“No!” she shouted.
The wind howled faster as if it had heard her. Tristien was blown away, an apparition of her mind.
Celestine gasped, as if she could not catch her breath. She grabbed clumps of the earth to stop from falling back into the sky.
The wind swelled around her, bringing the breath she so desperately wanted. It touched her, comforted her.
She shuddered and fell into the grass, curling into a ball. The tall grass was cool, the wind warm, and the sun was high over the hill.
Away from any Lord or being, she fell asleep. Truly asleep, surrounded by nothing but grass and sky.
Celestine’s eyes whipped open. She sat up, moonlight pouring down on her. The trickle of the stream behind her reminded her where she was, what she was doing.
Quickly, she looked around. Tristien was not there.
My mind is still entombed. His very abuse leaves lash marks on my soul.
Celestine stood, a bit dizzy, a bit more herself. The night was chilled, but not cold. Down across the plain, she saw the glow of a great campfire and walked towards it.
The wind seemed to guide her, blowing tall grass down as she came. Coaxing her forward.
Lord Azure’s camp was impressive. She stepped forward, her shoes giving her trouble, so she took them off. When her bare feet touched the silken grass, she felt finally tethered to the earth.
If he touches me, I will break. My body and mind will seize. What Tristien did to me…
Reaching out, she could still feel the terrible stone of the wall that had held her captive.
Blinking, she stared at the camp and walked forward.
The three horses were unsaddled, each standing without a tether and moving to graze. A large and long banner of blue made the tent covering, protecting them from the wind. Great cushions and pillows sat, made of fox and wolf fur. On a long wooden post, a great falcon watched her from its perch. .
Azure sat, staring at a pot above the fire.
“Welcome,” Lord Azure said to her. The firelight crackled, and the pot smelled delicious. He was unarmored, his large frame clothed in simple garments, loose upon his build. His hair was close-cropped. He beckoned to a cushion next to him.
“I’m sorry, Lord Azure, I seemed to fall asleep…”
“I knew you would return when ready enough.” Azure shrugged. “The plain knows us all, and the wind tells our tale. It knows when we need to ride upon it, to run across it, and when to hide among its glorious grasses and hear the wind. Even in death.”
“I… thank you.”
“You are a guest in my camp; therefore, I am a guest in your company. It is customary for me to feed you, Celestine. May I serve you?”
She nodded. Azure sat leaned forward to bring a ladle to the pot. “Fresh hare, some wild onion, and a few other starches and bulbs I plucked from the land.”
“You went hunting.”
Azure smiled. “I really only provided the perch, Ferro here.” He pointed the spoon up at the falcon. “Is to thank for our bounty.”
“Thank you, Ferro.” Celestine smiled at the falcon. She was answered with a screech.
“Here you are.” Azure handed her a bowl with a smaller wooden spoon. “The bread should be warm if you reach down among the fire.”
Celestine leaned forward, seeing a loaf of bread nestled among the hot stones. She picked it up and tore it in half, handing some to him.
“Thank you,” Azure said and filled his own bowl. “Please, recline, enjoy yourself.”
Seeing the striped cushions and blankets on the soft, soft grass, Celestine turned and mimicked his posture. It was unusual to eat like this. Within a moment, she tasted the stew. It was exactly what she needed. It wasn’t just food; it was nourishment.