“When did he bed you?”

Though she had been naked but an hour past, she blushed in his arms. The further they rode from the Yellow Realm, the more parts of herself struggled to come back to life.

“He made it…a contest to win my affection.”

Azure considered this. “A contest? Like a tourney? Do tell..”

So Celestine told him. She did not hold back any details, and as she rode, held completely above the saddle in the Lord of Blue’s strong armored arms, his standard blowing proudly in the wind from its stirrup, and he listened. She told him of how Encarmine had fought and won her three ribbons. How he had come to her wounded and dying, how she had fought for him, and finally, what it was to know victory and defeat.

“Vermilion lived? How interesting.”

“I don’t believe he was supposed to.” Celestine passed the water skin back. Azure took it and slung it on the saddle. “But…”

The nomadic knight nodded. “You tended to him. You gave the fiend mercy. Encarmine never knew.”

It wasn’t a question. Azure was able to read her. It was never short of amazing to be near and dealing with these men who were men and so much more.

“Speak to me of Lord Solis.”

Celestine opened her mouth to speak…but instead, she wept.

Azure stared down at her, his hands running over the back of her dress lightly, feeling for her wounds.

He’s reading me. He’s reading what happened.

“Speak no more,” Azure said. “Rest.”

As much as possible, she fell into something different than sleep.

He won’t take me tonight, it seems. I just feel he will leave me alone.

When they entered his lands, it was a vast valley, so wide it was like an ocean of tall grass. In the distance, small numbers of people traveled, and nomads were on his land.

“Where do they live?” Celestine asked.

“Wherever their head lies at night. Unless granted by me, any land outside a home belongs to any and all people to roam as they see fit.”

Down in the large plains to the left, the ocean glittered. Far, far away, with no ships in sight.

“Come, we will sleep here.” Lord Solis pulled back on his mount. He gently lowered her to the ground.

The second and third pack horses came trailing up to them.

“The stream ahead, you can’t see it, but it’s to the north. If you wish to wash before dinner.” Lord Solis stepped down from his mount and planted his standard in the ground.

“Thank you…” Celestine turned.

“Other way.” Lord Azure was unpacking. “It’ll be uphill.”

He is more…normal than others.

Celestine walked in a daze. It had been a long, long ride here. To be out of the manor… out of the wall. The only thing that surrounded her was space. Grass and wind. She looked behind her to see Lord Azure setting up camp and continued upwards.

She fell upon the stream, literally. It was maybe a foot and a half wide but deep, like a laceration cut into this perfect earth. The soil was black, the smell of grass was pleasant. Celestine dipped her hands into the cold water, cleaning the grime from the immurement away.

She rubbed and rubbed. There were still blemishes black grime in the very cracks of her skin. She continued scrubbing and scrubbing. The wind blew across the plain, and when it touched her neck, where she felt like she had worn a collar for eternity, she screamed and fell backward.

Tristien sat across from her, smiling cruelly. His circlet glowing upon his brow. Celestine’s eyes went wide.