He turned and walked back to his estate. Collars fell from the necks of the bonded as he passed. James and Lapis bid her farewell, as did Sir Donal, though in a hurried manner as he tried to calm the protesting nobility.

“Everything will change!” one shouted.

“Of that, we can be certain,” Lord Azure said from atop his horse. He turned to regard Encarmine, who still stood staring at the crowd.

Historians note:

It should be noted for the reader that it was not until nearly one hundred years preceding this tale’s composition that slavery and bonded labor were outlawed in the entirety of the Painted Realm, with the Yellow Banners lamenting at last. The Exarch’s arrival upon the throne cemented any quelling and illegal trade. Though there are still human beings living in bondage, they are done so in darkness for sordid reasons. When found out, the Exarch’s punishment is merciless, as she too was a slave. However, for the story, Celestine’s beauty and grace melts the hand of Tristien from this cruel practice)

“Will we have words when I take her, Encarmine?” Lord Azure asked. He did not sound worried or dismissive. Just curious.

Encarmine glanced at Celestine, and in that moment, she saw his pure need of her, the love within him.

“I break men and castles, Lord Azure. Not my word. Never that. Though for her…” he stared at Celestine with such lust. “I may change my mind. Guard your borders. If any wrongdoing befalls her--”

“Remember whom you speak to,” Lord Azure cut him off.

He’s not afraid of Encarmine, though he knows the Red Lord could slay him.

Encarmine nodded. He turned away, walking back to his people to march them back from this land. Many had likely died making the journey in such haste, and he would have killed an entire realm and gone to war with all others for her.

“My lady.” Captain Aidric reached out to her. “We will take you to the Lord of the Blue Banner’s realm.”

“You will not,” Azure stated. His handsome face regarded her. “She is under my care, Captain. I’m sure we will see your mirrored glint in my lands before long, but the Final Bride will ride with me, as is our custom.”

“It’s alright.” Celestine put her hand on the Captain’s forearm. She wasn’t sure if she had ever touched him before. In that moment, she felt she knew him. The darkness under his mask was familiar…

“As you wish.” Captain Aidric bowed and stepped back.

“Come, Final Bride,” Lord Azure reached down. His circlet was a blue metal that swirled as if the sky was woven into its sheen. She took his arm, and he easily lifted her onto his massive mount. He held her in his arms, knightly and true, and tutted his horse.

They rode from the Yellow Realm, its sunshine a bit faded, its people unsure of what came next. As was she.

Part Three


Lord of the Blue Banner

Chapter 18

The Wind and the Sky Above

They rode all morning and afternoon. His horse was fast— faster than any she had seen on man or Lord of Season. Even that rogue Silas. It seemed to obey his thought instead of his hand, and the ride was smooth.

But Celestine was not well. Her time with Tristien in his madness had done terrible things to her. She felt naked without her collar. She didn’t want Lord Azure to touch her, to hold her.

“It will be alright,” Azure spoke. His voice was like soft wood, bending under a bowmaker's hands. His eyes were brown with dashes of yellow, his skin the deep brown as many she had seen from the Blue Banners in the Painted Realm.

“What will you do with me, Lord Azure?” she asked.

Azure smiled softly. “Show you my world, and show you to it.”

“I meant…”

Azure raised an eyebrow. He was thicker than Tristien, handsome where he had been beautiful. A reserved composure emanated from him. “Did Encarmine take your maidenhead the first evening?”

“He did not.”