“Criminals have no souls. His very existence is an effrontery to me. Vermilion cannot help what he is, from where he crawled. But this? To lay a hand on my…”
“Your love,” Azure finished for him. The demigod who ruled the Blue Banners of Summer withdrew his sword and stood back. “Would likely speak to you on this matter.”
“Please, Encarmine,” Celestine said. She stepped towards him, trying to push his blade low. “Too many have died today. I will never forget it was you who came for me.”
Encarmine, loving, dutiful, powerful Encarmine. He lowered his blade, his eyes full of hate for Tristien. She knew he could kill both Lords and take the mantle of Summer himself, extending his banners across their realms. The crown of Summer would be his alone.
And her world would know butchery.
But she loved him for his honor, for the way he had won her.
“Come back with me.” Encarmine looked at her. “I would see the light in your heart in my lands again and in my eyes. Cease your journey, Final Bride.”
Celestine walked forward, embracing him, kissing his cheek. A sob rose within her, for at this moment, his strength and love were all she wanted. The life in Scalehall, among his people, had been purer than this realm. It lacked sickness, but it was severe in its own way.
“I want to.” Celestine shut her eyes as tears slid downwards. “I do. But I cannot. The Painted Realm would know nothing but conflict. You can’t stop that. But I can.”
“For my love for you, I will not slay this wretch or his people.” Encarmine sheathed his sword. His eyes flashed a bloody red when he looked at Tristien. “Today.”
“You saved me.” Celestine kissed his hand. She missed this hand so much. How her body used to feel strong, tired, but so satisfied at the end of every day. It came back to her now from the mist in her mind.
“Lady.” Captain Aidric stepped forward. “Your time in the Yellow Realm has ended. The final courting of Summer awaits you.”
Celestine turned to Tristien, who still sat defeated on the grass.
It is not the battle nor the blades that keep him down, it is the finality of my choice.
“Rise, Lord Solis.” Celestine brought out her hands to his, and finally, he stood.
The demigod was babbling, “I am sorry, Celestine. I am sorry—”
“The fault is mine,” she cut him off. She turned to his awaiting people, who had readied for war under their mad Lord of Season. “I have never seen such beauty as in your form, Tristien. Part of me craves you. But that craving would end me. And the worst thing is, I wanted it to. I felt you. I felt your mad love for me, to control every facet of my life and mind, brick by brick.”
“I know.” Tristien smiled. Leaning forward, he kissed her tenderly. “I will always love you, Celestine. Your denial of that same love is the sweetest barb of all.”
Celestine pleaded with him, “Free them, Tristien. Banish this hateful barbarity from your lands. A collar beckoned is worth more than one bought. You taught me all lovers submit to one another. Do not rob any human being of their freedom and choice. Submission is a choice. Not a destiny.”
Tristien stood straighter. His eyes glazed with tears of sadness. His voice rang across the men and women present.
“Hear this, and hear it only once. It is a crime in my realm to own the labors and life of any other. There shall be no bondage, indentured servitude, or debts of labor or love. All may beseech my council. The only time my whip shall sing will be to punish the backs of those who seek to own another.”
True shouts rang out now. Disbelief. Rage. But more and more yelled. The bonded, the attendants were cheering.
“Any collar still sitting on the neck of any man, woman, or child in this realm will be a death sentence for the man that put it there.” Tristien turned. He raised his hands gently, asking permission.
Celestine didn’t even realize she still had her collar on.
“May I?”
She nodded. And when the collar fell free from her neck, like she could finally breathe, she missed it immediately.
So strange what we get used to and crave once it’s gone.
Celestine stared at the collar in his hands, hanging limply at her side.
“Thank you, Tristien. You are true and noble.”
The Lord of the Yellow Banner smiled sadly. “You know I am not. Goodbye, Celestine.”