The sound of battle was serious. Men were shouting orders, screaming. For all his fury, Lord Solis was not a martial Season.

I thought war was the cruelest thief of all.

How naïve she had been. To coax and work and attempt to understand this realm. Celestine thought back to the first night in the manor. This entire realm was infected with domination. Subjugation.

This is my fault.

“Stop,” Celestine ordered the two of them. “Just stop. We have to go to the front lines.”

“My lady, that is unwise--”

James was cut off by a hard cuff behind his head. “Silence! I’ve had enough of men and their ideas. The madness of your Lord and master has erupted, James, and you thought not to tell us? To warn us?”

“I live to serve,” James stated.

“Oh, indeed.” Lapis turned to Celestine. “My girl…”

“I put the circlet on him,” Celestine spoke. “I did. Not him. I was… greedy. I wanted more. I wanted all of him. This is my fault. People will die because of me.”

“You are truly a bright star, Celestine. But you could not have known. We should leave. We will flee to Calendar, and when this is sorted… I don’t know. I just know if we have you in the manor and he kills you, true ruin will fall upon this land. A life of slavery is still a life where a heart beats.”

“I must go, I must.”

James protested, but Lapis ordered him to be silent. They walked to the manor, and James held his head high as they exited the front gate area.

War had come to Suncrown. Guards lined the walls, but they were not soldiers. Encarmine’s legions stood in strong attention, spears glittering in the sun that burned with Tristien’s fury.

James held his head high and walked Celestine to the front. When Tristien turned, his circlet ablaze, eyes glowing, he did not react.

Sir Donal Lapis sat upon a mount of yellow silk, the horse whinnying nervously amid the clamor.

“Wife! What are you doing?”

“Quiet,” Lapis snapped. “Just be quiet.”

Donal whispered, “You will be the death of us!”

“This is no field-game, Donal! There is no luncheon after this. This is our hope.”

Celestine walked, her two companions behind her, to the front line.

Encarmine stood over Tristien. Her first lover, her first courtship, the Lord of Red, tall and broad in his engraved armor, held Tristien at sword-point. Tristien bled from a dozen wounds, and his armor was rent. This had been no easy battle. Lord Solis had lost, and all that remained was Tristien. His circlet was upon the ground beside him.

“Cease, Encarmine.” Celestine walked forward. “Let the voice of a woman who loves you stay your bloodlust.”

Encarmine turned, not moving his sword, eyes falling upon his spurned bride. For a moment, she was his again. All his. The urge to run into his arms, to have him take her back to his castles and keeps; his beautiful people, was too much.

My life would be half a widow’s, though I love him. Beyond that, the Painted Realm would know nothing but war if he sat in the center of Calendar.

"Let him stand, my love.”

Encarmine stood still, staring down.

“Please,” Celestine whispered.

Encarmine sheathed his sword. From beside him, Captain Aidric stepped to her.

“My Lady, it is time for you to leave.”