The horns blared again. She knew them. That tone… it was familiar. A great clash was ringing out, the trample of hooves. A melody she recognized.
Encarmine had come for her.
Chapter 17
The Horns that Answer
War broke upon the banner of the Yellow Realm. Celestine felt it in the clamor of the walls. For the first time in a long time, she could feel Encarmine.
As the battle raged outside, no one came for her for two days. Celestine feared for her safety. She heard cavalry and infantry. She heard a terrible melee and siege engines. One struck the tower, and she hoped it would free her or kill her, but the stone was thick.
On that final day, the door opened to the tower, and James led Lady Lapis inside.
Neither wore a blindfold.
“Get her out of there,” Lapis demanded.
“You must help me, lady, if we are to hurry.”
“Darling,” Lady Lapis said with motherly affection, reaching through the opening and touching Celestine’s face. “It’s going to be alright.”
Whatever had been holding up Celestine inside finally broke free. Celestine sobbed.
“Shh, shh. Stand back, Celestine. We will get you out of there.”
Lapis and James both worked on the stone mortar, hammering quickly. Despite her nobility, Lady Lapis was no stranger to hard work. It took time, but once several stones loosed, James used a long rod of metal to shift more out instead of carving her loose.
Encarmine weakens Tristien’s hold on this place.
Celestine stepped from the wall, naked and emaciated, half-a-skeleton.
“Don’t look away,” Celestine snapped at James.
The right hand of her master turned, regarding her.
Celestine whispered, “This is power unchecked. Look at what your Lord would have of me.”
“This is madness. He has gone too far.” Lapis shook her head. “How could you allow this?”
“My Lord retired his circlet. But he has never been this… frantic.”
“Likely the time away from it built it within him.” Lapis helped Celestine, producing a gown for her. “Come here, Celestine.”
“He will kill the two of you for this.”
Clothed again, Celestine felt a bit warmer. But it was hard to stand.
“If we don’t move you, Solis will slay you rather than give you up. If that happens…” James spoke.
“If that happens,” Lapis finished for him. “Encarmine will put our entire realm to the sword. Aidric fetched him. Lord Azure, as well. Wrath has come to the Yellow Realm. They will butcher our children and set our fields ablaze. Encarmine does not make slaves. Only graves.”
“We must go,” James hissed. “We must go now!”
Celestine followed them. Finally, she was free, though her collar remained. It was part of her. She ran with them to the steps and outside the back of the manor. Upon the parapet, as they turned, she saw Encarmine’s banners in mass and blue banners she had only seen in Calendar.
“The house guard is going to fall. Solis rallied his nobles, but several have not come yet.”
“The fools may hope for his fall.” Lapis took Celestine by the arm and hurried to the manor's rear.