As the field was cleared, the afternoon came to an end.
When it was done, every noble on the dais stood and applauded their wives, many raising crystal glasses in the afternoon sun. Tristien joined them, tall and tanned, beautiful and lean. Next to normal humans, Tristien looked immortal, as if all men descended from visage. The bonded men in the field bowed, scythes dipping and swinging to their left. As if this was the ending to an intricate dance.
Lapis winked at her husband, licking her lips slowly. Lord Donal was fixated upon her, his eyes dark with lust and pride. They were champions of a sort, Celestine knew. This dance had been done exquisitely, not despite the misstep of the chastised noblemen but because of it.
“You do us great honor, Lady Lapis.” Tristien raised a glass to her. For an insane moment, Celestine grew wrathful at him, giving attention to the other woman.
Where did that come from?
“Will I see you this evening?” Celestine asked Lapis. The older woman shook her head as her carriage was prepared.
“I think not, my friend. Lord Solis’s attention will be on entertaining you, alone. The kiss of his touch will probably be followed by more.” Lapis winked and turned to her carriage, where her husband waited. The beautiful, venerable woman rose upon the steps slowly. The markings plain as day on her back.
Celestine saw Lord Donal already had his breeches opened, and Lapis was bent over quickly, her legs spread apart as Donal undid his belt.
The door shut before she could see more.
“Come,” Tristien ordered. Celestine turned and took his hand, her feet sore and ravaged from the field, singing their pain with each step into the carpeted carriage. Tristien joined her, resplendent, smelling of hay and sparkling wine.
The carriage door shut, and Tristien sat across from her. In his hand, he still held the handle of his whip, gripped in his fist.
The procession moved, taking them back to the castle.
Celestine sought to break the silence, fearing his mood would come upon him again. “I would see more of your realm, Tristien.”
Tristien glanced at her, then spoke to the driver, who was out of sight. “Take us around the south end, near the lakes.”
“My Lord,” the driver spoke and snapped the reins of his team.
The carriage rocked, and they stared at one another.
“You did will, Lady Celestine.”
“Thank you…” Celestine spoke.
Be fiercer, be forward, like Lapis.
Celestine knelt from her seat, sliding her hands across his legs. “I want to please you, Tristien. Did I please you?”
“That whelp did not please me,” Tristien snarled, staring at the whip handle in his hand. It was bone, nearly a foot long, with smooth studs upon it and a shaved bone tip smooth as silk.
“You corrected him well.”
“Did I?” Tristien’s eyes flashed. Celestine continued, despite his anger. She reached out to his hand, clasped across the whip’s handle.
“It isn’t…” Celestine whispered, reaching up to his trousers, “my place to say.”
Tristien loosened his grip. Celestine smiled and traced her hands up to his waist.
“Kiss it,” Tristien ordered.
“Yes, my lord.” Celestine whispered, undoing his belt. He was so thick. She had seen him in their chambers. His cock had hung with such heft.
But it wasn’t his manhood he brought to her lips. Tristien held out the handle of the whip, strong and stiff in his hand, in front of her lips.
Despite being taken aback, Celestine managed to steady herself.
“Show me how you would please me.”