I fear him. And I fear how I want to know more of him.
It was the same feeling she had at Calendar, seeing four demigods duel over a right to an evening. She shuddered to think if another season had won her. What her treatment would have been like in the icy barbs of the Winter Lords or the trappings of the Spring Lords.
It disturbed her, and yet she found herself standing a bit straighter with such a quick correction of brutality. Tristien safeguarded every facet of her.
Our courtship is him unwrapping me slowly, replacing each layer with a binding. His tutelage is exact, purposeful, and he pushes me to new limits.
That much was true. Celestine worked the field now, silent, with Lapis. The older woman had a beautiful figure, enhanced by age, the curves and strength of life itself. Tristien was shaping her will itself. She reminded herself that she could leave this realm and travel to another under Captain Aidric’s guidance.
“That killed the mood,” Lapis spoke as they worked. They were heading deeper into the field.
“Which mood?”
“Look upon the dais. Can’t you feel the cock of every husband stirring as their wives work this field? Each of us was looking forward to a needy passion. This labor and devotion stirs them. No man grows more lustful than seeing his wife serve him and the ministrations of his realm. Now, I fear every nobleman will be unable to grow firm under the apprehension. Every discussion will be about how to go about our lives, and to not disturb Lord Solis’s possible betrothed.”
Celestine bit her lip. The rhythm of the work had changed. Lapis was right. Each lady and gentleman in the field moved with a somber step, eyes downcast from the sun.
Even the sunlight itself seems lesser, colder. Is that him? I wonder.
They walked to the cart, the bundles of hay even heavier now, her feet sore and scratched from this field. Lapis threw a bundle down and looked up to the dais, hands on her broad and lovely hips. Every lord around the table looked elsewhere, afraid to glance at Celestine.
The young brute had ruined this strange ritual for everyone.
Lady Lapis spoke up, “Thank you, Lord Solis, as you can obviously tell. Even our younger people need your guidance in all things if not manners.”
Tristien regarded her. He was still as a statue. Lapis continued, “With your permission, Lord, send my husband forth to give me a silken kiss.”
Celestine saw Lord Donal look up. Tristien nodded and fixed his eyes upon Celestine.
Sir Donal stepped down from the dais. Other women gathered nearby, ceasing their labors. The entire congregation glad for a respite from the brutality they had witnessed.
Lapis smiled and held her hands out. Her husband took them gingerly, wrapping silken bindings around them and leading her to the cart.
“The single?” Celestine heard the nobleman ask.
“The many,” Lapis whispered back. “I’m ready.”
Donal tethered Lady Lapis to the cart-wheel, arms bound to each wide spoke. Her nude form spread like a spatchcocked bird upon. He fastened the loop of her necklace to the wheel, and she strained against it.
Lord Donal stepped back and produced a woven yellow belt of some sort. It was like a cat-of-nine tails but with silken ribbon woven in fat knots. A beautiful tool and instrument.
He hissed and swung the silken flail upon his wife’s back. Her muscles contracted in quick agony. His stroke was expert.
“Yes,” Lapis huffed.
“You are too slow today, woman.” Lord Donal shook his head, spinning the flail back and forth between them.
“Yes, my lord.”
Another blow, this one underhanded, rising up like a set of golden snakes dancing up her left calf and thigh. Celestine stifled a squeal. Red marks answered the onslaught of her flesh. It was not a deep whipping. It was meant to coax and weave the flesh, to dance upon it with illicit stings.
Lapis stuck her rear towards her husband, straining against the bindings.
It isn’t escape she wants, but more.
Donal continued, arcing the flail now across her thick buttocks, stinging and slapping them in a twirl. When they landed, Lady Lapis groaned as if she was taking him.
“You embarrass me! Our home!” Donal sneered. Lapis groaned under another blow, this one up her spine that drove her head back against the restraints, the binding of her necklace drawing tight.