They rode the rest of the way glancing at one another. A world of words unspoken. Encarmine had fought steadily into her heart, but Tristien’s approach was different. One that tantalized, one that began with flesh and stepped into where her flank was exposed.
He’s proud of me.
The thought wasn’t without its appeal. Her life had been one of praise, surely—yet never from the mouth of one she sought it from. Except her father. Now she was courted by gods and it was hard not to seek what they could give her.
They rode for several miles until she saw a large procession of parked carriages, horses, and men at arms watching over a field of workers. As they pulled towards it, their own vehicle slowed and shouts came out for the Yellow Lord.
“Lord Solis!” a voice called out.
She watched Tristien smile, raising his hand in greeting. Celestine saw several of his noblemen sitting on a grand dais, observing strong workmen clearing a field of hay.
“Gentlemen,” Tristien greeted them. Celestine saw several faces there, including Donal Dawncrest—men she had seen the night before.
“A wondrous day. We thank you for it, Lord Solis,” A portly nobleman said.
“How goes the clearing?” Tristien asked. He opened the door and slid out, keeping his eyes on his subjects while he held out his hand for Celestine. Despite the beautiful dress, she still wore the collar he had made her.
None of them will even look at me. They don’t wish to give offense.
“Very well, my Lord. A wondrous reaping.”
“Oh, come off it,” Lord Donal sneered. “Lord Solis loves truth above all else. And in truth, my lord, it goes poorly. We are understaffed.”
“Celestine.” Tristien turned to her, eyes guiding her to the field. “Help the other ladies with the bundles.”
“Yes, Tristien,” Celestine murmured. She glanced upon the field and realized, much to her surprise, dozens of ladies and some gentlemen from the night before. There were other bonded workers swinging large scythes while younger men bound the bundles and they moved among the field.
Celestine walked out, unsure of what to do, until she couldn’t believe her eyes. Donal’s wife, Lady Lapis, was carrying a bundle of hay over her shoulder. For a mature woman, she was quite strong. She was completely nude, her strong mound of dark pubic hair slick with sweat, her heavy breasts open to the sun. Her bound choker around her neck glinted in the sunlight.
She greeted Celestine with a smile. “Come to join us, Lady Celestine?”
“I believe so,” Celestine answered and turned, seeing the noblemen and Tristien sitting on the platform drinking. “Should I disrobe?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t,” Lapis answered with a wry grin. “Lest you see every man, including my husband, slain for laying eyes upon your flesh. Keep your garb. Come, grab a bundle.”
Celestine followed and took the heavy bundle of hay over her shoulder, marching on the scratchy grass with her bare feet. Her time with Encarmine had made her stronger. Much stronger than she ever had been. They threw their bundles down together in front of a wagon, where three other women were loading the hay. Each was in various states of dress or undress.
“What is this?” Celestine asked. To see nobles in such states was unusual, like everything else in this place.
“Harvest,” Lapis answered, walking proudly and nude in the sun beside her. “A good day for it.”
“I don’t understand.”
Lapis smiled. “All women serve in some capacity. All belong to another. I belong to Donal, just as he belongs to me. This is my devotion to him. He loves to see me work in the field. It drives him into such a fervor. With the other lords here, he won’t give in to his hunger, but I doubt my legs will stay parted once the carriage door closes.” The admission was followed by a hearty laugh.
“These women and men are married?”
“Many are,” Lapis answered her. “Many are simply devoted. Ours is a complex society. Save for the bonded men and women. They are truly labor made manifest, though they earn wages.”
Celestine walked, confused. She worked steadily with Lapis. If this was a taste of the yellow realm, Celestine began to feel a strange uncertainty. She had envisioned luxury, not labor. Not that she didn’t mind, but the sensual edge to all this, the performative submission was as foreign as it was perplexing.
“How was your first night with Lord Solis?”
“It was… not restful. He… I’m not sure if I should say.”
“Oh please, not shields nor dams that stop rivers can cease the gossip of two women.”
Celestine told her of the evening. All of it.