The ribbons hoisted her up, drawing her wrists high and snaking through a loop of gold upon the ceiling.
She rose until the tips of her toes barely touched the floor. Her body stretched. Contorted and in his complete control. Tristien watched her with lavish fascination until she hung before him. The ribbon tightened around her thighs and her breasts, swelling the rump of her rear and her bosom.
“A captured star…” Tristien whispered. He traced the edge of his finger across her nipple. “Now begins your tutelage, Celestine.”
The ribbons hoisted her higher, imprisoning her in the air.
Tristien reached out, sliding his hands over her body, searching her. He circled his finger between her cheeks, down, pressing against the lips of her quim. Another ribbon slithered from him, this one thicker, softer. It looped into the ceiling in front of her.
The ribbons flexed, drawing her legs slightly apart as the silken binding slid up to her quim, spreading her, finding the beginning of her clit and coaxing. Kissing it in silk.
“Tristien…” Celestine groaned, bound and imprisoned. A single word would cancel this, and she feared the glimmer in his eye.
Yet I want more.
The final silk between her legs slid slowly back. Then forth. Then back again. Teasing her lips before settling across the hardening nub of her clit.
“Do you feel me upon you?” Tristien asked.
Celestine was not hanging from the ceiling. She was strung like a chandelier. Perfectly balanced, weighed, and countered. Her legs and arms stretched out, at the beautiful mercy of his silk gently teasing her cunt.
“The love of this lies within you already, Celestine. I am the guiding light. Your breath, your will, your mind… all will be mine. I promise you will know a devotion that you never knew possible.”
The ribbons slackened, lowering her to the floor. Down, down, they shot across the floor, tightening around her, binding her until she was prostate, bent over, rear in the air, and exposed.
The ribbon between her thighs wound tighter against her cunt, and between her cheeks, until it slid across her spine. Tristien sat on his bed.
The collar somehow tightened around her neck, and the silken binding slid across her quim, mashing and coaxing until she groaned aloud.
A swift blow came from his hand on her rump, and she yelped.
“Silence,” he commanded.
The ribbon slid back and forth slowly, teasing her, bringing her forth. Every part of her was bound, captured.
“Yes,” Tristien murmured, watching her. The ribbon slid faster, and she drenched it in a betrayed lust. Celestine begged her own body to stop, but every inch of her was under his control. The lust he brought forth in her was like a growing fire, each binding a piece of kindling. The fire came from his friction.
“Tristien…” Celestine whispered.
Another spank flew, and it cracked on her flesh like the kiss of a whip. She struggled, but the bindings flexed tighter, forcing her to be still, to take it.
“That’s better,” Tristien spoke. He walked around to the front of her, knelt, and took her face.
Now begins my torment, my ravaging.
The ribbon slid across her quim, never ceasing. It wasn’t foreign; it wasn’t some strange magic creature or being. It was his will that slid upon her.
Celestine opened her mouth, whether for his tongue or his cock, it didn’t matter. There was a coldness here, in this devotion. Something that excited the flesh, but it made her feel alone. She wanted him to embrace her, so that their union could begin. That he would enjoy her, and not enjoy only what he did to her.
“Goodnight, slave.” Tristien kissed her and turned away.
She heard him undress. The ribbon continued its unrelenting patient onslaught of her quim. Tristien slid under the covers of his bed, and every candle in the room extinguished, leaving her in darkness.
She heard the softness of his breath in a few moments as sleep took him. Was he really going to leave her like this? Slowly teased, on the floor of the bed they should be sharing?
She knew the answer.
Subservience, an elegant dominance, this was his way. It was outrageous. Insulting, to be bound and teased like a pet on the floor of his bed.