Celestine smiled. “So, which is it?”

Encarmine laughed. His white teeth flashing in the light. “I rule my people, not their bedrooms or thoughts.” Then his eyes fixed upon her. “That which is won must always be defended. That is the lesson for the men and women here today.”

“You rule your own bedroom.”

“This is true.”

Celestine raised her head. “Rule me this evening.”

“Do you want me?” Encarmine leaned forward. “All of me, every inch?”

“Every,” Celestine swore.

The Lord of Summer leaned back. “Then prove it.”

Celestine was about to ask him what he meant by that when a shout came.

“Lord Encarmine!” a young woman’s voice cut through the crowd. All stopped and stared at a lithe young woman, Celestine’s age, with dark hair braided close to her scalp, like many in his realm. She wore leather leggings and a banded tunic. Even under her clothing, Celestine could see the strength of her body.

All eyes turned to him. Encarmine stared at Celestine, then rose.

“A request, Dritha?”

“Is that your new bride?”

Encarmine bowed slightly. “Time will tell.”

“I have heard of a campaign in three parts.” Dritha stared at Celestine. “That she has won your touch. I challenge for a key of my own. She is not worthy of your taste.”

Murmurs and jeers went around the crowd. Dritha spread her arms in mockery and challenge to Celestine.

It had been a wondrous morning and afternoon. Blood pounded in her temples. This one would seek to disrupt their afternoon together?

Celestine clenched her fist and rose. “You’ll have no such thing,” Celestine bit off every word, staring down the fearsome woman.

Dritha laughed. “Sit down, girl. Our Lord is wasted on you.”

She would die to his touch. And risk death for the chance to. Celestine looked back at Encarmine, but he watched her with flat eyes.

Would I?

All eyes were upon Celestine, including Encarmine, so handsome, so stoic, and distant.

“Ready the gate,” Celestine found herself saying. “I’m coming in.”

The crowd roared.

“My Lord.” A man came forth into the arena. “The next bouts and combatants are at the keep, as requested.”

Encarmine sat, eying Celestine. “Add one more duel to the lists, Jermaine.”

The crowd applauded. Celestine looked around, not understanding.

Encarmine stood and held her close from the side, then whispered in her ear, “It is one thing to answer the fury of the moment. But the true mettle of a warrior is tested in the hours before battle. May you find your bravery, Final Bride.”

The afternoon feast continued at Encarmine’s keep until the evening. In his great hall, men and women fought for bouts of honor or grievance.

Celestine was led away by several women at Scalehall. One young, one middle-aged aged, and one elder of the Red Banner. They stripped her fine dress and shift away, dressed her in undergarments, and bound her breasts with linen closer to her body. Her hair was plaited into braids and circled, bound to her scalp.