“A contest and a settling of grievances,” Encarmine explained as he helped her down from her horse.

“What grudge do either of them hold?” Celestine asked as he took her by the arm towards the small stands.

“Hail, Lord!”

“Hail, Lady Celestine!” Shouts came from all around. Celestine blushed as the crowd parted, many saluting both him and her. It was not something she was used to.

Encarmine leaned close as they walked to a simple set of wooden stands and sat. “One seeks another’s wife, saying he is unfit. They fight. If the husband loses, she is his for the evening.”

Celestine’s eyes went wide.

“This is permitted? Women are wagered so?”

Encarmine stared at the crowd. “As are men. See his wife there…”

Celestine looked and saw a woman staring at the two clashing men. Her eyes were afire with pleasure.

“She is delighted for this?”

Encarmine touched her leg. No matter how much he touched her, it always excited her. Now others could see. She shifted, but he slid his hand further to the top of her thigh.

“Did you not glisten when four Lords of Season warred to part your thighs?”

“I was shocked and…” Celestine gasped as his hand went higher. No one around them seemed to notice.

I am his prize, and I never can get used to his touch. I hope I never do.

“I smelled your excitement, as we warred for you.” Encarmine’s finger traced under her dress now. The crowd roared as the men battled. Celestine turned, face flush, staring into his strong brown eyes.

“Encarmine…” Celestine whispered. His eyes stared into hers.

“There is no greater gamble than combat, Celestine.” He removed his hand. Celestine straightened her skirts and stared at the warring men. It felt satisfying to be close to Encarmine. Presented and at his side. They did not sit upon a throne or place of honor but in a circle. In his realm, all who wagered their lives in contest were the same, Lord or man alike.

Celestine watched the duel. The husband crumbled upon a flurry of blows, a mace crashing against his shield. Celestine saw his wife stand, not in fear but shouting something she couldn’t hear.

“She is a brave woman.”

Encarmine smiled. “You might be mistaken, my lady. She is the one who offered the challenge. Her husband seeks to keep her loyalty. To prove himself.”

“What?” Celestine was incredulous. “That is allowed?”

Encarmine shrugged. “Not all take their vows seriously. Though she may lust for another, she conducted herself properly. Perhaps her husband has not been on march lately, or has grown soft and meek. This may be her way of spurring him to brave action.”

Celestine watched the husband fall, smashed aside, his shield in splinters still bound upon his wrist. Encarmine stared at the contest.

“Or she may lust after this new suitor. She wagered the key to their home for the evening. Her new suitor may sit at the head of the table for one night.”

Like the lords in my realm, who sell and wager the keys to women’s homes.

Celestine saw now that the woman was balling her fists and shouting for the suitor to best her husband.

“Courage!” someone shouted to the husband, who rolled back and forth to avoid the blows falling on him. Celestine felt herself rooting for him as well.

“Courage!” she shouted to the man. She was on her feet. Yelling with the others.

Encarmine sat, but she felt his eye upon her. He seemed amused? She glanced down. No, it was pride in his eyes.

Celestine swore the husband looked at her in the crowd from his helm. He grunted and rolled, taking his opponent’s foot and twisting, tripping him off balance. His wife shouted from the stands, never ceasing her shouts.