“You.” Celestine admitted. “To break upon you.”

Encarmine smiled now, regarding her. They were creatures of lust. He a demigod of battle and now pushing her, like his legions of soldiers, to exert everything.

“Such a proper girl of the Painted Realms. Milk me, Celestine. I know the harlot’s lust in your heart.” He smiled, then his eyes narrowed.

“Yes,” Celestine murmured, the leash going looser in his hand. She rode and rode, plunging her hands up and down to the base of him and the head of his cock. Her climax approached like the thunder of cavalry, and Encarmine groaned. The bathing room around her slid away, and she heard the din of battle in the distance.

Celestine raced, sliding up and down his leg.

“I’m going to-” she whispered.


“I’m coming, my Lord,” Celestine cried out.

Encarmine held her now as she ground and shuddered upon his thigh.

“Yes,” Encarmine encouraged her. “Break upon me.”

Celestine couldn’t speak, she felt like she was falling, seizing…her quim mashed against his leg, sliding to his hip as she fell, and he caught her in his arms.

“Encarmine,” Celestine whispered. Her left hand still held the head of his cock. He smiled, wrapping an arm around her.

“Touch has been paid.”

Celestine wanted to kiss him so badly, but knew he wouldn’t permit it. She looked down at his throbbing manhood in her hands, monstrous and wonderful. She raised an eyebrow.

“Let’s settle the scales.”

She slid back, proud in her fury upon him, and he rose from the bath to sit on the tub, displaying himself for her. She oiled and stroked and gripped him, holding his cock with her left hand, squeezing as hard as she could, and slid over his tip and shaft as fast as she could.

“Give me your seed, my Lord, give it to me.” Celestine pleaded

Encarmine stood suddenly, towering above her. Her hands went skyward as he stood over her. He dripped water and oil. He groaned and shuddered, a beast of war above her as she milked and milked, her entire body exerting itself , gripping him, holding him back, stroking him faster and faster.

“Yes,” Encarmine growled. Celestine looked up at him, licking her lips to show her desire.

Such a fire.

His cock flexed in her hand. His seed erupted in pearled rope after rope, cresting her face, her lip, her shoulder, and across her chest. Encarmine roared, but Celestine braved him, drawing every drop from his cock. There was so much, she was fixated on drawing him forth.

Finally, he ceased spasming. Encarmine groaned and fell back into the water. His come felt like fire on her flesh.

He stared at her, knowing she wanted to taste it. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue towards his seed upon her cheek. He stopped her.

“It is not earned, Celestine.” Burning eyes stared into her. She nodded.

“Now rub it into your flesh. My seed will be the armor on you.”

Celestine stood. She moved her hips and form for him, rubbing the come all over her chest, to her breasts and nipples, and down her hips and over her cleft. It felt smooth, wondrous… and her heart beat faster as if it were some great drug. Her muscles felt solid, like wood; she felt like she could fight three men and win, and she felt proud to adorn herself in his spilled seed.

“I have earned this prize.” Celestine felt the seed drying upon her. It felt illicit. Shameful… and so very earned. She removed the cloth from her neck and held it to him.

Encarmine took it and wrapped it around his wrist again. They stared at one another, and she bent down, sliding into his lap, his massive arms curling around her, both their bodies spent. She felt him stir again, hardening against her rear as he held her just as he had carried her to this place.

Thus, the Touch was paid.

Chapter 6