Lower, lower she pulled, eyes fixated upon the growing line of flesh, thick as her forearm, more and more, until his cock sprang free like a maul of war. His member was immense, thick, rising now in front of her face like a proud weapon waved in front of a frightened enemy.
Celestine gripped it, her single hand not even able to encircle it. He was as long as her forearm.
This could kill me, but how many maidens groaned upon this terrible weapon…all I know is that there needs to be one more.
The musk of his cock, the heavy hang of his balls, she inhaled it, lifting his massive member that grew harder and harder in his hands. She bent forward, needing to taste him. His head was dark purple now as he grew fully firm. She needed to gag on it.
Strong fingers grabbed her chin, breaking her spell. She looked up at him, at his discerning eyes.
“It is not earned,” he stated. “Step into the water, now.”
Celestine obeyed. Her eyes never left his cock. She wanted it. She wanted to be ruined upon a horse cart, a village around her in flames, while he strode into her.
She sank into the water, and her Lord of Red followed, massive and tall, his swollen member turgid and straight as the water rose around him.
Celestine swam forward, over his foot and shin, to his thigh muscle.
Encarmine regarded her. “You will be paid in touch only, Celestine.”
Celestine nodded. She reached forward, grabbing his member under the water. “Let me taste it, lord. Let me break upon it.”
Celestine reached down, touching herself, and rose out of the water. Encarmine sat deeper into the water, his frame so large that only his legs were covered.
“Serve me, now.” Encarmine nodded to the pitcher of oil at the edge of the tub. She reached for it eagerly, the metal hot to the touch and burning her, but she withstood it and poured it upon his beautiful cock.
Encarmine sat back. He unlaced the token of touch upon his wrist and beckoned her forth. Within a moment, his deft hands tied the red cloth around her neck like a leash.
“Ride me, prize.” Encarmine drew her towards him. She settled around the meat of his thigh, sinking her legs lower into the water, sliding upon him now. Celestine was his property at this moment, a prize of war, of duels and conquests.
Her hands fell upon his manhood, oiled and hot, so hard she could feel every ridge, every vein.
“Good girl,” he praised her, holding her leash tighter. “Now milk my seed from me, Little Bride.”
“Yes, Lord.” Celestine ground against him, free at last to pursue. He raised his leg slightly, and she slid her lips up and down the oiled muscle of his thigh.
She glided her hands over his manhood, reaching down to his pouch, even dancing around the edges of his muscled rim.
“Harder, girl.” Encarmine growled.
A spank came slicing through the bathwater. She groaned. Her cunt was frantic as she rode against him, holding his cock like the horn of a saddle on her strong gallop.
“Now stroke me,” Encarmine growled. Celestine obeyed, grinding and sliding both hands up and down the length of him. His cockhead turned darker, the glisten of his pre-release shining for her.
“Good,” Encarmine moaned. “Good. You’re such a good little bride, Celestine.”
“Yes, Lord,” Celestine murmured, lost in her fever of milking him.
“How wet was your quim when I nearly slew that dog of the Brown Banners?”
“I was excited, my lord.”
Encarmine yanked at the cloth around her throat. “Answer me.”
“I,” Celestine stuttered. “I wanted it, my lord. I wanted you.” She felt his cock between her hands and groaned.
“What did you want?” he demanded, pulling her leash closer. A tremor laced up her quim, to the small of her back.