Celestine felt the eyes of hundreds of men and women as her clothes fell to the ground. She writhed and moved under Azure’s touch, his hand exploring her body. Her own lust grew. She thought of the squires, their cocks hardening and gaze slicing her skin like a beautiful knife. Like the talons of a hawk come down to nip at her.
She fell to her knees, Azure’s own clothes falling away. When she looked up at him, taking him in her mouth, he was already hard. She did this because she wanted to, her eyes a mixture of determination and pleasure, of beautiful consummation in front of everyone. As his cock slid in and out of her mouth, barely a third of it, murmurs of appreciation came from the watching crowd.
Azure lifted her.
He always lifts me. He wants me to soar, to fly, even if it means without him.
In his eyes was pride for her. Pride at how far she had come. A bird with rent wings, a soul in pieces, somehow placed together not through his love for her or the lust but with slow and simple days. Days of silence. Days of a horse standing in a vast plain of grass, of the patience of the beautiful lord behind her. Watching her.
Wanting her to succeed.
She fell back onto the table, not in defeat, but in celebration. Her knuckles gripped the edges, back and head still held high, and she spread her legs for him, each ankle sliding into his beautiful, strong hands like feet in a stirrup.
Where they belonged.
The hue of his skin flickering in the torchlight was mesmerizing, even after all their time together. Despite being watched, being explored by the hundreds of eyes and lustful murmurs of this crowd, she felt so close to him. He bent low, guiding his girth and wondrous manhood across her folds, the curls of the hair that had grown back, like grass in the plains of his land now spreading, encircling him as he slid back and forth across the edge of her lips.
Their eyes were for each other only. As he pressed upon the entrance of her, always so broad, stretching her, inserting into where she welcomed him, he held her ankles aloft and strode within.
The crowd and nobles whispered their amazement. She took him in, that wondrous fullness, inch after ridged inch of lust until he joined her with depth. He was lubricated by her need of him, and he fucked her softly at the edge of the table, her body sliding back and forth in their slow trot.
Celestine looked around, meeting each face that was within her reach, shuddering under the sultry prominence of her own body. The most sacred thing was now being shared, being seen. Her lips stretched around him. The feeling of being watched by so many was exhilarating, and where once there had been worry, she felt pride.
She was worth being seen.
Azure moaned her name and strode into her fully now, hips bucking against the bottom of her. She fell back on the table, taken like a queen of wind and sky. Azure’s eyes were so blue, as blue as the circlet on his brow.
When he came, it was a lance striking true. A shield splintering. It was the breath in her throat, hoarse, being captive. It was the warm seed coating and painting her from within, over and over. When he withdrew, it wasn’t the end but the beginning.
“Turn over my love,” Azure growled. She did, turning proudly as he coaxed and teased her with his fingers. The seed flowed from her quim, splattering the lips and nub of her clit. Azure worked her with his touch, gripping her within, reading her, knowing each slide, each twirl that she needed. Her hands and shoulders were taut, back arched proudly.
Celestine came while the crowd watched her, telling Azure she was close. But it wasn’t necessary. She never needed to tell him. He knew her.
In the crowd, she saw the glint of a mirrored face watching her. Aidric was there, seeing her climax under Azure’s hand. When she was close, the Lord of Summer spread her cheeks, exposing her slick muscled ring to the night air, the coolness of it, before the heat of his tongue and the seed coating her. When she shivered, she grunted his name. His tongue within her tight hole for everyone to see, his hand playing her like a furious instrument.
Muscle after muscle clamped down within her body, and the final one was her spasming muscled hole around his tongue as she climaxed. She closed her eyes as her arrival feel on her.
“Open your eyes, my love,” he said as he gripped the meat of her hips.
Lost, there in the torchlight, somewhere outside the grounds, music played. She saw squires and nobles, ladies as well, their hands reaching over their own clothing, and a hundred people around, wet and hard. It didn’t matter, all moved at the sight of her.
There was no tower here. No stones to encase her. She was proud, strong, and more importantly; true. Azure’s cock took her to new lengths, splitting her in half, her cunt stretched and aching, pain and such warm welcome pleasure, the saltiness of the sweat on their bodies, his muscled abdomen slamming into her cheeks, a strong hand gripping her hair not to own her, but to guide her. Celestine arched up from the table, eyes wide as he grunted with pleasure, her own climax rising like an opponent that he shattered, sending it to every nerve in her body.
“Celestine!” he roared, and at that moment, all those days on the plain, all those nights in the camp, she felt she could read him. A single page, a single paragraph'; this evening and moment.
Love. Love and pride. He was proud of her.
Azure brought her down from the table, and she wiped the come from her body and face with a dining rag. They dressed in grins, the music picking up around them, with new unions beginning around the table—spurred by their display. The evening became a gallery of moving paintings.
More wine flowed. She watched lovers with him, and one duel in good humor broke out with blunted weapons.
“My land agrees with you,” Azure said, holding her in his arms as they watched a mature couple in union.
“It does,” Celestine smiled, and the sadness came upon her. “I’ll miss you.”
Azure kissed her neck, squeezing her tighter. “So much of the world awaits you, Celestine. So very much.”
As the night grew deep, she led him by the hand off from the grounds of Skye. Out into the fields and under the stars, just the two of them.