Celestine nodded, a strange certainty rising in her. It was one of those moments, a moment in time where you certainly and unequivocally knew something very true. Something extremely true.
“You want me to leave,” Celestine whispered.
Azure’s back straightened as if he had heard a twig snapping in the forest during a long hunt. Her lover stared at the tourney grounds.
“You brought me here so I could leave.” Celestine’s voice felt far away. Among the din of the crowd and the shouts and noises. She looked to the stands, knowing already, and he was there.
Aidric, in his mirrored mask. Staring at her. Unseen by the surrounding crowd.
“Have you ever heard the saying, if you love something, you must let it go?” Azure did not look at her. His voice held a tone she had never heard from him before. As if some great doom awaited him.
“Once. It makes little sense to me.”
Azure smiled, but there was no mirth in it. He stared at the tourney grounds. “I am a Lord of Summer, Celestine. I am not war or chains. I am choice. The choice to make any choice or none. You could be safe here. You would be happy. But I am not so much a hypocrite that I would cage the wind."
“This is our last night together,” Celestine said, and as she said it, the truth fell like a heavy coin spinning when you already know which shall land true.
“You love me as a lover, not as a partner. Because the wind has no husband or wife. It propels the ships and cools the brow of the traveler. Do you know what makes the banners and seasons so beautiful?”
Azure turned now, one eye taking her in. “Their departure… and perhaps, if we are lucky, their return. You have choices to make, Final Bride. The choices that determine the seats at Calendar. Each Lord will love you. Each one will covet you. They may seek to possess you, enslave you, worship you, or even flay the life from you. Such is their love. Or what they mistake as love. But I will always be with you, my camp open. Like the touch of the wind upon your cheek.”
Her eyes watered. There was ancient patience in Lord Azure, and a laughter that made her think of the sky. It was he who took what was broken and mended it, asking nothing else for himself but what she wanted. What she needed. He always read her perfectly. Now he was speaking the last page of their chapter.
She leaned forward, taking his hand clasped in hers.
“Then we have tonight, at least.”
“Yes.” Azure squeezed her hand. “Before your race tomorrow.”
“What?” Celestine laughed.
“I entered you in the bouts. With Garo’s permission, of course. It’s a two-mile along the coastline.” His blue eyes stared into hers, like the sky and wind were bathing her in its finery. “Horses are safest in stables, lover. But--”
“That’s not what they are for,” Celestine finished for him. She watched the young squires take to the tourney grounds, blunted weapons and thick armor ready to batter one another.
They sat and watched it all, the men and women moving quickly and rapidly. Always moving, never the same. Like flames dancing in the final campfire they would share.
That night, Azure himself rode in the jousting tourney. He won three tilts and lost the final to his second lance. When it was over, the reward was given, and Azure hoisted the winner on his shoulders and carried him among the crowd.
The reverie began. Casks of wine flowed into cups. Only those aged twenty years and older were allowed to stay. Squires embraced squires. Maidens and young women took each other. It was like the final slow dance at a summer ball, where you grabbed the partner you had been eying all night.
Azure and Celestine walked slowly. Her head was heavy with wine and she held and his powerful arm. The firelight glowed, and the music was loud and bawdy. Everywhere, lovers clenched in embrace. Man upon man, woman upon man, any variation. It was always two, never more, never less.
But each duel of love had its own onlookers, those who watched in appreciation, in lust, in fascination.
They love to be seen. Celestine walked, taking it all in. The mayhem of this drunken party was more wild than the tourney and jousts today.
I love to be seen too… with him.
Azure drew her forth to the head of a splendid table. Kissing her deeply, knowing what she wanted in this night of wine and merriment, of open lust and even deeper appreciation.
He kissed her. The crowd clapped and roared. Azure spun her around, feasting on her neck from behind. She could not help but grind against him, shuddering, as a hundred pairs of eyes were on her. Maybe more.
They love to be seen…
So did she, she knew. There was an effrontery here, truly. Something she struck back against her time with Tristien. In this place was the opposite of what he had done to her. There was no hiding. There was a display. There was no abuse. There was elevation.