It was a torrent. A squall inside her. Azure’s cock flexed, filling her with his bounty. The volume was immense, and it did not stop. With his size, it spurted out of her quim. He held her up now, above the ground, his chest to her back.
“My Lord…” Celestine pleaded. Whether for more, for less, she didn’t know.
“Take it,” he praised her. “You can do it.”
Celestine’s body was rigid, every muscle locked. Azure came more and more. An ocean inside her, the sound of it trickling like a spigot onto the bales. He slowly raised her, withdrawing slowly, but where his size left her empty for a moment, his cockhead flexed inside of her, painting any emptiness with his fill. She rose to his mid-length as he filled her; the feeling was wondrous, and still he continued. When he was at the edge of her, still he pressed on, flooding her with so much of him that her cunt stretched from the volume alone.
When he finally was at the very tip, his praiseful breath met her ear.
“Hold it in,” he said, letting one arm free.
She reached down as he lowered her to the ground. Finally, he withdrew the end of himself, one last spurt filling her. When he freed his manhood, it was coated with their lust, swinging heavily between his legs. Celestine did as she was told, holding the enormous volume of him with her hand and clenching her muscles and thighs.
“I’m so proud of you,” Azure kissed her from behind, wrapping his arms around her. “Do you feel me, my seed, an ocean within you?”
“Yes…” Celestine was beyond flush. Every nerve ending in her body was like a wheat field in a summer fire.
It’s like the sky is an ocean, and it churns inside me.
“Now go forth and be seen, my sweet bride.”
Celestine’s pulse quickened as she walked into the sunlight, the strong warmth bringing heat to her flesh.
Azure was correct. Eight squires in light armor stood, speaking closely. Garo .
Celestine walked bottomless, her cheeks sliding with sweat and seed. Her legs were close together, trying to contain the immense volume within her.
Every squire turned, eyes going wide in sequence. All she wore was her unbuttoned blouse, open in the middle.
“Good morrow,” Celestine said with a lump in her throat, walking barefoot towards them.
Eight heads turned, men of twenty and older. The youth on their smooth cheeks now turning to the growth of first beards—bad ones at that.
Celestine removed her hand from her quim and shuddered. Any shame was burned away by pleasure. Filled to such a brim, she finally let go. With each step, she flexed. The come didn’t drip from her. It gushed onto the ground, dashing her feet and ankles. A wet and sloppy trail behind her, their looks and surprise added only to the intensity of her arousal.
The young men parted, and she walked slowly, each bare step making her pulse rise higher and higher. The wind blew, and the left side of her shirt flew from her chest, giving them a full view of her breast and midriff. Celestine groaned at the touch of the wind, knowing it was Azure. The pressure finally released, the filthy but extraordinary feeling of them seeing was tantalizing. The need to hide and be seen warring within her.
She walked past, the long blouse covering her bottom, giving them sight of her legs, her hair falling behind her.
“Lady Celestine,” One managed to murmur.
Celestine’s heart was thundering as if she were back in battle in the Red Bannered Realm. As she stepped on it, the earth brought her back to herself, towards Garo where Azure waited.
“My love,” he said with a smile and kissed her deeply. His hands slid down from her hips, and she ground herself closer to him, feeling all the eyes of the young squires on her. He could read her. He knew what she wanted, even if that was a secret inside her. Azure lifted the edge of her shirt, giving them a full view of her plump cheeks, the sun kissing them, her mound swollen in the small nook between her thighs.
“You enjoyed that,” he said when their kiss broke. He bent forward, nibbling at her ears. “They are still staring. They cannot believe their eyes, my little gift. The beauty of Celestine is something they will never forget, watching you emerge from a stable filled with me.”
Celestine shuddered.
“You will ride with me,” Azure stated. He pulled her to his horse, mounted, and then pulled her up, still half bare, into his lap.
“To Skye,” he said. “Garo will follow, do not worry.”
The sun shone on them as they rode, and what she had just done filled her with such emotions. Seeing the lust in their eyes, yet how safe she had felt among these people who loved to be seen.
Now they rode.
“Azure,” she sighed. The Final Bride wrapped around the Lord of the Blue Summer.