Page 108 of The Kingdom of Flames

They did not make it to Skye the first day. It would take another. But the realm of the Blue Banner shifted as she explored more of it. More of him.

Along the coastline, she saw castles and keeps in great stone spires. Each one had grand stables and large training grounds. Beyond that, there were no markers of claim upon the land. She saw peasants or workers, common people that Azure always stopped and hailed, greeting them.

None spoke to him or addressed him as lord. He was only Azure to them. He rode proudly, Ferro his grand hawk always on his gauntlet or shoulder, sometimes flying, but always returning to him.

They met many of his people. Trainers, horsemen. Riders. She saw squires playing a game on a checkered board and young women training their goshawks with bags on long strings, spinning and spiraling, dancing around as their birds of prey soared past them.

There were nobles of his land as well. She saw peasants camped just outside the walls of castles, stringing short curved bows for hunting. In the Painted Realm, to hunt on some lord’s estates could warrant a noose. Not here. Everything was shared, everything was seen.

All talk was of the tourney. As they spoke to more and more people, she learned of the many contests. There would be jousting, which Azure competed in. Races. Bouts of archery and a passage of arms to defend specific locations.

Each time they stopped at a keep or castle or alongside a caravan of nobles traveling to Skye, they were bade welcome. They were offered hospitality from the first lance of Lord Azure, House Bluewing.

The tent overflowed with people as it had tables large enough to host fifty people. Azure and Celestine sat at a table, and both peasants and knights sat equally at the same level.

The first lance of Bluewing, Edmer, came to their table as they ate. Celestine had her hand’s full while playing with a small child, giving their parents a chance to eat in peace.

“What you requested, Lord Azure has already been delivered. We did not know you were stopping here. I apologize. It awaits you in Skye.”

“No apologies needed, Edmer, please. We thank you for your hospitality, and I thank you for your timely work.” Azure stood and embraced Edmer as a brother. Celestine bounced the young boy in her lap, but her eyes were on Azure. She remarked on how he elevated his First Lance. He elevated everything around him. Her eyes took in his frame, larger than most mortal men, sturdy and quick, even in his plate armor. Fierce pride showed in the bannermen of Bluewing, to see their own liege honored so.

“I wish you great luck in the tourney, Lady Celestine.” Edmer bowed to her.

“Thank you,” Celestine said, unsure really of what he meant by that. But she could guess.

Azure sat back down at the bench, his large physique somewhat comical as he ate from a small bowl of porridge. Celestine hugged the young boy to her chest where he giggled, then spat up a long line of milk on her shoulder, making her laugh.

“He is the only one I see call you Lord,” Celestine said.

Azure glanced up. “He is my First Lance. It is a military title, that is all. Among my people, I am simply Azure. To call me Lord is to do him honor, not me.” Then he reached across the table, plucking the young boy from her arms and laughing, holding him high. “To this one, I am Azure!”

Celestine smiled. Seeing him in a new light among his people. He didn’t command respect; he warranted it. Seeing him bouncing this child in his arms, the raw mirth of joy in his blue eyes…

“Azure,” Celestine said. He looked at her. “We should see to the horses. Now.”

Azure smiled.

Before they set off, Celestine threw him down among the hay bales and took him. Their lovemaking was laughter and flying hay until it was the hushed groan of him filling her as she sat upon him. His eyes were so blue now that they traveled. Her hands steadied herself on his war plate, and she stared into his eyes as she rode him. His size always stretching her, always filling her so.

“Fill me, Azure.” Celestine writhed on top of him. He felt exquisite, strong. “Fill me, my love.”

Azure reached up, gripping her shoulders and striding into her, bending her close.

“Grip it for me,” he groaned. She did, clenching her spasming quim around him. “Yes, my sweet, sweet girl. Yes.”

There was a movement beyond the stable bay, and she looked up to see a young man her age, awestruck, with a rake in his hand. Azure turned his head, seeing him, then he raised an eyebrow at Celestine.

She shuddered, then looked at the young man. He had brown hair; he looked fraught with fear.

“Come closer,” she called to him. “Watch me take my Lord.”

“Yes…” Azure groaned beneath her.

The young man came closer, the gate of the bay between them. Celestine’s eyes traveled down to the bulge in his pants, seeing his hardening cock. The young worker fixated his eyes upon her, and Celestine felt the electricity of being watched, the beauty of being seen.


Celestine moaned, reaching up, and undid her shirt blouse. She spread the cloth, baring her breasts so they would slide back and forth under the linen. The young worker’s hand reached down to the outside of his trousers, hesitating.