“Hold me,” Celestine said. They laid back on the cushions, and she fell into his arms. Curling side by side, she turned into his chest, nuzzling there, and his powerful arms wrapped around her while the firelight warmed them.
“Do you want my mouth?” Celestine asked him after a moment.
Azure smiled. “Shh, rest now.”
She nodded, nuzzling closer to him. It had been a question born of repayment, not of want necessarily, and he knew it.
In the middle of the night, Celestine suddenly woke. For once, there had been no bad dream. She glanced around the dying firelight at their camp, the bright stars glinting so numerous above them. A wolf-skin pelt draped over them, and they had slept entwined in each other’s arms.
Celestine looked at him. He was beautiful in starlight. His dark skin glinting in the dying firelight. Across from them, his armor danced in the light's reflection.
She felt whole suddenly. Not different, but new. This waking in the middle of the night, she hadn’t felt it in a long time. Like when she had been home. Arousal pulsed within her. In sleep, the body healed, it rejuvenated.
Celestine slid from Azure, nude, and she watched him sleep. She reached out for a silken cushion, like a long roll, and straddled it between her legs. Just as she had all those nights in her home.
Slowly, bending low, she ground against it. Her southern lips towing back and forth, the cloth in its silken firmness finding where she grew firm, enticing her clit. She ground, riding back and forth until her cunt wet the cushion.
All those nights in her father’s keep, aching for the touch of another. To be seen. To be discovered. The girl of the Painted Realm, no banner, no allegiance, out giving herself among the fields. She used to dream of a dark stranger taking notice of her, of the real her, and eying her like a hawk. He would be unable to look away. He would want her. Want to know her.
Celestine shuddered, her breasts lit by moonlight next to Azure’s sleeping form. She slid back and forth, titillating sensations dancing within her, her quim growing hungrier.
She moaned, soft and then louder. Like she had when that guard first joined her father’s service. The one with the gruff face. Celestine moaned again, wanting to be seen.
Azure woke silently. He stared at her, his eyes open in the dying firelight.
Celestine looked at him, unashamed, and continued grinding, sliding harder and harder against the pillow.
“What would he have done had he heard your moans and entered?” Azure’s deep voice asked her.
“He would have…” Celestine groaned, riding harder. “Been shocked. But intrigued.”
“How could he not be?” Azure murmured. He slowly pushed himself up, watching her. Slowly, very slowly, he undid his belt.
“He would’ve gotten so hard, seeing the ward he was supposed to protect. The proper maiden, pleasuring herself. With her silken pillows.”
Azure unbuttoned his pants and spread them, pulling out his thick manhood. “He would’ve shown it to you—what you did to him. How hard you made him.”
Celestine’s eyes flashed up to his. “He would’ve loved watching me. He would’ve stroked his cock for me to see. The first hard cock I had ever seen.”
Azure stroked himself for her, growing longer, firmer in his hands. Celestine shuddered at seeing his mass even in the half-light of the moon and fire. Thicker even than Tristien. His flesh was magnificent, pulsating for her. The curve of his abs, like river stones under the water of his skin.
“I would’ve felt so bashful, so filthy. Being caught.”
“But proud,” Azure answered, almost guiding her. “Finally seen.”
“And he would’ve,” Celestine breathed the words. Grinding against the pillow, drenching it. “He would’ve brought it closer. Afraid of overstepping, but unable to stop.”
Azure came closer, stroking his vast length. Close enough until she could smell his sweat and musk, intoxicated by this delicate dance.
“And your first kiss would’ve been upon his head,” Azure growled gently, his cock fully hard now, like a bar of iron in his grip.
“Yes,” Celestine moaned. She reached out, grabbing him. It was like gripping the muscles of a great beast. “Give it to me.” Her mouth fell upon him, eager, like she was gasping for air while drowning. She needed him. After all these days on the plain, all the watching, the healing, the movement, the stillness.
Celestine sucked on his head, her mouth straining against his girth. She opened wider, needing to taste him. She fucked the pillow between her legs, her cunt now spasming with need and aching for him. His girth was so large she could barely get it into her throat. She withdrew, gripping him tightly and licking him, sucking and running her lips around his length. She reached out, holding his heavy pouch, and Azure moaned her name.
She sucked on his cock like a whore who lived for it. Like a girl finally getting the attention of the man she had been near for so long, the hints finally giving away to his full awareness. He felt so good in her mouth. Against her throat. He was the wind and the grasses of the plain. His cock was majestic, coated in her saliva, lit by moonlight.
“Ride,” he commanded. Because he could read her, and he knew what she wanted. She ground against the pillow, frantic now, sucking upon him, stroking her hand back and forth along the slickness of his manhood with her throat’s emulsions. Celestine moaned, and when she did, it was a gurgle upon his member, vibrating him.