Page 101 of The Kingdom of Flames

“Of course,” she said instantly.

“But you’re injured?”

Celestine smiled. “I am. And I will ride.”

“I figured as much.”

“I hunger,” Celestine spoke. Azure withdrew from her, and she ate with him, still bare, allowing herself to be warmed by the fire.

Celestine felt it as they supped on the stew of pigeon and tubers and bread. A different hunger. She looked at Azure. Her lust had not even reared its head since leaving Tristien. Something she figured might not truly return; if it did, it might frighten her.

But like her soul, when it did return in that moment, it was different. It sought to gallop, to run.

To be ridden.

Azure glanced at her from across the fire.

We like to be seen.

It was the mantra of his people, and it was hers now while she was here. She set her bowl down while he stared at her and slowly slid the warm poultice from her chest, the water evaporating against the heat of the fire.

Her nipples hardened, and she looked at him, running her hand along her breast.

It should be your hands.

Lord Azure watched her, lust flashing in his eyes for the very first time since they had met. The circlet on his brow didn’t change. He was still the same large, powerful Lord. The same Azure.

Celestine locked eyes with him. She stood slowly, eyes never leaving his. Her hands undid her belt, and she shimmied her pants and undergarments down, the cool air touching her flesh.

Kicking the pants aside, she stood beside the fire. Naked, bare for him. There was no servitude here. The hawk hunted the plains. The horse ran it. They found what their bodies needed, unashamed.

Just as she did.

Azure did not move further from her, nor closer. His beautiful eyes slid over her, and Celestine ran her hands over her own body. Her breast, her belly, her thighs as she knelt down.

This was another dance. Another approach, not unlike her training with Garo. However, it was she who guided this.

I will show myself to him. He reads me like a torn book, bound back together. Now, I spread my pages and invite his loving eyes to taste the words in my bones.

Celestine knelt, knees on the ground, legs spread. She could feel the earth through her kneecaps and the tops of her feet.

She rubbed herself, running a hand over her breast, gyrating against her fingers and the crisp night air. Azure watching her, seeing her. It made her wet. And she wanted him to see.

Celestine ran her tongue over her lips slowly, grinding her quim against her own twirling fingers. Azure’s eyes never left her. She loved him watching her, showing herself to him.

“I used to ride my pillow in the late hours. I would moan silently, afraid of being caught,” She whispered the confession. But as soon as the words hit the air there was no shame, only the shame of ever feeling they were anything but truth.

Azure smiled slightly. “And then?”

“And then,” Celestine huffed as she rubbed her clit harder, rising and falling from her heels, wanting him to see. Her hair had regrown. It was slick with her desire. “I moaned louder sometimes. I wanted them to hear, maybe. To be caught.”

Azure watched her. “To be seen.”

“Yes.” Celestine writhed. A tremor of pleasure ran up to her shoulders. “Yes. I’m going to come for you. I want you to see me.”

“I have always.” Azure stood and walked closer to her. They were nearly touching. He sat, hands running over the air above her body, not touching her, but nearly. “Seen you.”

Celestine shut her eyes, feeling him so close. “I know,” she moaned. When she came, her body tensed, hips jutting forward, and she rubbed slowly, hips rolling slowly to meet her fingers. When she opened her eyes at the peak, Azure watched her. Reading her. Taking her in.