Page 12 of Payback is a Witch

“I still want to know why Alex Velcro-ed you to my ass, Ace.” Twisting my leg to the side I leaned in slightly so I could admire the Michael Cores flats I had on. They were among the cheapest shoes I own and I figured if we get attacked -which in my life was a ninety percent possibility- and they get ruined I’ll be able to replace them easily.

“Me too.” He growled low in his throat and when I looked up I found him looking at me through the rearview mirror.

“I mean we can ask…”

“No.” Ace cut me off sharply and I glared at him.

“Don’t you dare bark commands at me shifter, I’m not pack so I don’t have to deal with your attitude. I’ll stick an umbrella in your mouth and I’ll open it.”

“She learned that one from me.” Sissily announced proudly preening on the passenger seat like a peacock.

Ace glanced at me then at Sissily, as much as he could while maneuvering the cumbersome SUV to enter a paid parking garage, with such a serious face it rendered me mute because it was very uncharacteristic of him.

“The two of you are the strangest females I have met in my life.” He decided to tell us when he parked, as he jumped out so he could open the doors for us. “Don’t get me wrong, but I’m starting to think that witches have some screws loose up here.” His thick finger tapped on the side of his temple.

“You think it’s maybe all that magic we channel?” Sissily looked so earnest when she spoke I almost believed that she was asking a genuine question.

Ace gave her a cursory up and down then shook his head.” Nah, I think it’s just the two of you that are weirdos, you were dropped on your heads when you were born.”

Seeing the coffee shop across the street as we exited the parking garage had me salivating. My stomach was eating itself already since it was empty for hours at that point. Leaving Sissily and Ace to snark at each other I quickened my step ready to jaywalk across so I could get to it faster. I also needed one of those hugs I knew was waiting for me the moment Amber saw me. I’d never admit it to anyone but every time that female wrapped her arms around me I wanted to cry.

There was no deception, no manipulation, scorn or expectation in her action. It was just that. A simple hug to show that you matter to her. And it made me crack like an eggshell and bleed inside for all those times I’ve needed it but was denied by Danika because showing emotion was weakness. I was also worried about River, as well. It’s been more than a week but he is not awake yet.

I was hoping Amber had some news about that, too.

A blaring of a horn had me jumping back and barely avoiding being mowed down in the middle of the street by a crappy KIA with a sticker at the back saying “I’m a baby, and I’m aboard.” Heart galloping wildly in my ribcage I clutched my chest with one hand and after confirming no one was staring at me, sent a string of magic to the left back tire. It was satisfactory when it popped and the person driving jerked the wheel to the side effectively nailing themselves at a parked vehicle.

“I bet baby is aboard and crying right now.” Shooting daggers at the brunette that came out flailing her arms I breathed deeply and continued toward the beckoning glass door of the café.

“What are you doing?” Sissily materialized next to me and hissed the question while grabbing me under the arm and manhandling me across the street.

“I was walking.” Wiggling to try and escape her grip while trying to look normal and not like a toddler throwing a tantrum was difficult. A guy was looking at us strangely from two shops down, so I gave up my struggle with my best friend and cocked an eyebrow at his judgmental stare. “Can I help you?”

“It’s your fault that lady almost hurt herself.” The dude had audacity to holler at me, as he pointed at the KIA that nearly ran me over.

One glance in that direction made me do a double take because dozens of people had gathered around it and everyone was arguing with everyone, while the baby aboard was clutching her head pretending like she was about to faint although no one was paying her attention.

I frowned.

“Seriously Hazel you need to cut that shit out. You can’t treat people like trash.” Sissily snapped and grabbing my upper arm shoved me toward the café.

Stunned I stumbled to the sidewalk confused to no end. What in the worlds was happening? And where the hell did Ace go? Craning my neck, I looked around for the shifter while keeping an eye on my best friend in case she decides to get physical again. Something was not right I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Sissily, where is Ace?” I took a few steps away so I could keep the distance between us when she joined me on the sidewalk.

“Cleaning up your mess. It’s all any of us do anymore.” She told me so harshly I literally stumbled back as if she landed a physical blow. “What? You don’t like hearing the truth Miss Perfect?”

“She is responsible for everything.” The guy that gave me a piece of his mind a minute ago shouted above the rest so he could be heard. “She couldn’t use the crosswalk. The poor lady almost killed herself to avoid her.”

While focused on my best friend I had not realized that a group started forming around us, all of them with scrunched up faces and pointed fingers. Unease spread through me, and the moment I spotted Ace next to the brunette arguing with random humans, it redoubled. Rubbernecking up and down the street confirmed my suspicions that all the yelling and shouting was not natural. Seeing Sissily staring pointedly at my hand made me look down too so I could find myself scratching at the pentagram marking so hard I made my finger bleed.

Something was causing all of this. They used the situation of the vehicle nearly hitting me and used it to fuel an angry mob, including my best friend in it, crying for blood.

My blood.

“Sissily, listen to me.” It was not easy to get her attention but she finally locked gazes with me after I repeated myself three times. “This is not you. Something is going on and I need your help to fix it.”

“Aren’t you the strongest witch there is?” she sneered and although I knew this was not her it still stung like a bitch. “Fix it yourself.”