Outside, the roosters are already singing, and I keep wondering what Killian meant when he said he had something in store for my mother.

The late afternoon sun is shining brightly on the horizon, casting long shadows across the village. My mother is making supper, and my mind is far away. I can’t stop thinking about the weeks I’ve missed back in Blight. How terribly I long for Wolfe and Nyko and wonder how they are doing, how my sister Elara is managing. The ache of not being with them is a constant throb in my chest.

A firm knock sounds at the door. My heart leaps, and I rush to open it. There stands Killian, looking as strong and handsome as ever. My excitement explodes, and I drag him inside, shut the door, and throw myself into his arms.

“So happy to see you’re back!”

He catches me, his arms wrapping around me. He kisses me deeply, his lips warm and familiar.

“I missed you so much,” he murmurs against my lips. “I’ve been experiencing such dirty thoughts about what I plan to do to you once we get back home.”

I laugh, and he sets me back on my feet.

He lifts his head as my mom approaches, and she pauses, slightly uncertain about seeing a Viscount in our house. But he’s so much more.

“You must be Sage’s mom. I’m Killian,” he says, offering his hand.

Instead of shaking his hand, she moves forward and hugs him tightly.

“Sage told me everything,” she says, her voice trembling slightly. “Thank you so much for taking care of her.”

Killian laughs, a warm, hearty sound that has me close to purring. Who would have thought that our distance would make me so hungry for him?

“Well, that makes it easier,” he murmurs.

We move to the kitchen table and sit down, and Killian turns serious as he faces my mother.

“My role as Viscount was temporary,” he begins. “I now have permission to appoint someone new permanently, and I want you to take over the village.”

My mom’s eyes widen, her hands flying to her chest. “No, I don’t know what to do…” she gasps, clearly shocked.

I stand next to her, rubbing her arm for reassurance.

Killian smiles. “But you’re no longer sick, right? I’ve spoken to others in the village, and even though they treated you as an outcast, many have admitted, even reluctantly, that they see how much you love the village, how hard you work. You care for anyone who comes to you in trouble. So many from the village can learn from you. And this the chance to show them they were wrong about treating you that way and teach them to better accept differences.”

Her eyes fill with uncertainty.

“You will be amazing at it,” I say, taking a seat next to her.

“Will you take the offer?” Killian asks. “You will receive great benefits that will make your life more comfortable, and no one will ever look at you as anything but the Viscount they should respect and abide by.”

“Mom,” I say, my voice soft but encouraging. “You said yourself you love it here. Think how much you can help others and change the way the village has been treated.”

She glances at me, a smile teasing her lips, her eyes glistening, then back at Killian.

“You think I can do it?”

“Yes,” we both say in unison, and I giggle while Killian grins deliciously.

“All right, I guess I can try,” she finally agrees.

“Excellent,” Killian says, shuffling closer, and I do the same. He begins to detail that he will return in a day or so to go over everything with her, about who she reports to in the Elite City, and how it all works. “I have been given permission to come and go as I please, along with bringing Sage with me, which means you will see a lot more of her. But first, we will return home. Our kingdom is being rebuilt, and I would hate to discover what decisions they’ve made for my quarters in our new home. You know, one day here is a month back home, and Wolfe and Nyko will be crazy with worry over our Sage. Maybe one day, we can bring you over to see the kingdom?”

She’s not saying anything but staring at Killian.

“Mom, are you all right?” I ask.

She turns and drags me into her arms, sniffling tears. “I think this might be good for me,” she admits. When I break away, she faces Killian. “I accept all of those offers.”