Our vessel is floating in the distance, partially destroyed as a result of Clay’s rampage. He sabotaged the ship to ensure Wolfe couldn’t leave.

The horn suddenly blows, its sound deep and mournful, echoing across the water. Someone shoots an arrow into the vessel, and the moment it strikes, it bursts into flames. The explosion is fierce, flames licking the sky, reaching for the heavens. The vessel, already battered and broken, splinters further, pieces of it crashing into the water below.

No one says anything… it’s eerily peaceful from the Shadowfen. The heat from the flames reaches us, even from this distance, and the smell of burning wood and metal fills the air. The fire reflects off the water, more beautiful than it should be, considering what it represents.

Once a home, it’s now a ship of the dead, a farewell to everyone who passed in the recent tragic event. Even my father is there and Clay, all of them being sent off in the blaze.

My sister clings to my arm at my side. Killian, now completely healed, holds my hand, Wolfe’s at my back, and Nyko stands close at my shoulder, his hand on my arm. We stare at the flame as the horns blow a few more times to send them off.

I hate seeing it burn, but Wolfe had said they’ve salvaged everything from it, including Howler’s technology, something he’ll add to our castle once it’s rebuilt. That part about living in a castle is still surreal to me.

Killian leans in, his voice a soft whisper in my ear. “In Shadowfen customs, it’s believed that we are born from the universe, and when we pass, we return there. I believe that’s why your monster form is revered by so many now, why many are talking about you. You are a window into our past and our future, into where life begins and ends.” He kisses my cheek.

I smile, loving his tenderness, though his words surprise me. Locals are talking about me, but most importantly, does my monster form have significance? I’m not going to lie to myself… I love that!

“It does feel amazing when I’m in my true form, but it also still feels strange,” I whisper as I’m learning so much about myself, even while in my human shape at the moment, I’m still getting used to having two sides to myself.

“There’s time,” he whispers in my ear. “We have all the time in the world now.”

We stand there, the five of us wrapped in each other’s warmth. Wolfe, Nyko, and Killian, all close, forming a protective circle around Elara and me.

The fire roars, the heat washing over us, and the smell of smoke and ash fills the air. The flames leap higher, consuming the vessel piece by piece.

I glance at Elara, her eyes reflecting the flames. She’s been through a lot, yet she stands strong beside me.

In this quiet, powerful moment, I realize how much my life has changed. From a village outcast to a Queen, from a girl who never felt like she belonged to a woman who has found her true family. Sure, the Queen part will happen at the coronation, but that will take place once the kingdom is built… which is a while away. It gives me time to practice, to learn how to be Queen.

“We’re finally home,” I whisper, my voice filled with conviction. For the first time in my life, I feel comfortable being just me and truly happy.

It’s a strange, bittersweet feeling, knowing that we’ve lost so much but gained even more in return.




Two Weeks Later

I’m spit out of the portal, stumbling in the dark, landing in Nightingale Village in a field near the pond. Night encases everything, and it’s surreal. Nausea churns in my stomach from being back here. A lot has happened, yet I feel like I’m back to that night Killian found me in the garden and took me to Blight. Now I don’t feel like the same Sage I was before.

I’m no longer naive.

Not as afraid.

And I’ve embraced that I’m different. I love who I am now, and I understand why I never fit into this village. This whole time, I was a monster pretending to be a human.

Even though only about four-and-twenty hours have passed, the world feels different… almost smaller, more back in the times, but also cozy and familiar.

I steady myself, straighten the backpack on my shoulder, and try to shake off the dizziness and the overwhelming sense of traveling through the portal.

Killian leaps out of the portal with more grace than I managed, landing softly beside me. He stretches, his muscles rippling under the moonlight in his human form, dressed up fitting a Viscount. When I glance at him now, I’m no longer afraid of him. Killian is my true mate. A Shadowfen who saved my life, who loved me so passionately it left me with marks, and someone I absolutely love. Besides, we’re going to get married, so technically, he’s my fiancé.

“Ahhh, this place,” he groans, making it clear he’s not a huge fan. “Let’s move. It’s best if no one sees us and asks questions.”

I nod, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

“I can’t wait to see my mom again. It’s been so long, but for her, I know it’s more like four-and-twenty hours. I just want to stop her worrying about me and let her know that I’m all right.”