A spark, a flicker of power blooms inside me, and I cling to it. Please work… please.
Killian stares at me, his eyes filled with pain and desperation. “Is there anything unusual you remember when it happened the first time?”
Nyko joins us, kneeling beside me, back in his human form.
“Well,” I begin. “The snake was attacking me, and I freaked out. Next thing I know, it’s there—the shadow. I’m so scared right now that I can’t feel much else. Just the fear of losing all of you, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
The world seems to be pressing in around me, not just in this cave but in my own mind. Every growl outside, every tremor around us from the beast outside, is a reminder of how much trouble we’re in. The thought of losing them, of seeing them torn apart, is unbearable. That’s when I know I have to make my power happen.
A tremendous roar comes from outside as the beast slams its tail into the cave with such power the walls begin to crumble. The noise is deafening, and I sense the vibrations in my bones.
Nyko embraces me, his lips on my ear. “You’re beautiful and so strong, my princess. Focus on how much we adore you, how much we love you, not the fear.”
The beast’s tail smashes against the entrance again, and cracks spiderweb across the walls. The sound of rock grinding against rock fills the air, and the cold grip of fear tightens around my heart.
“I have a plan.” Wolfe’s voice is barely audible over the chaos outside. “Nyko and I are going out to draw the beast away from the cave. Sage, you and Killian are going to start your descent down the mountain.”
“No, I’m not leaving you.” I stiffen.
Killian groans. “Look, I already feel better.” He goes to move but winces from the ache, and a tremor races down my spine, shuddering all the way down to my stomach, knowing he’s going to struggle to make it out, let alone face the thing outside again. I reach over and grip his arm, staring at the hard lines of his jaw, at those captivating blue eyes, at the scars on his body. He’s not a monster to back down from a fight, no matter his injuries—which is what worries me.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Nyko says in an unenthusiastic voice. “Let’s do this.”
“And then what?” I ask.
“We’ll come up with something,” Wolfe says, glancing over at Nyko. I see the ache in both their eyes, the fact that they’re willing to sacrifice themselves to save me and Killian.
Are they insane?
“No, I’m not going anywhere without you two,” I cry. “Don’t do this. I’m going to try harder to reach my power. Please!”
Wolfe’s eyes glisten, and he glances at Killian, who, in turn, reaches over and clasps my hand. “I think it’s a solid plan.”
I rip my hand from his and turn on them, fury rising through me. “Sacrificing themselves for us is not a fucking plan!” Shaking from anger, I reach for Wolfe once more, clasping his hand. “Please, I can’t lose any of you. I just need a bit more time to work on reaching my power. Give me that.” I’m frantic, my emotions tugging in every direction.
“Then we try again,” Nyko suggests instantly, grinning at me, and I know he hates the plan, too. “What do you say?”
Wolfe finally nods, getting up, breathing heavily. “Of course. I’d do anything for you, Sage, and that means ensuring you aren’t hurt. No matter the cost.”
His words strike hard, and I hate that I love him even more for them.
I look at them, my heart aching. We’re beaten, bleeding, and exhausted. The beast is relentless, and I have to reach my powers. The weight of our situation crushes me, and the walls of the cave seem to close in, trapping us worse than before.
The two of them climb to their feet, and both lean down, stealing a kiss.
“I know you can do this,” Wolfe whispers.
They move to the entrance, waiting for the beast to pass, then they slip out.
Sick to my stomach, I turn to Killian. “Hold my shirt to your injuries.”
He’s wincing, paling faster, but he reaches over and does as I ask.
“I never thought I’d find my true mate,” Killian starts. “But here you are and more beautiful, more powerful than I ever expected. You just need to believe in yourself.”
“That means a lot because I doubt myself often.” I stand up and lean against a wall that’s cool to chase away the fire I’m feeling. Closing my eyes, I search for that light sensation. I know it’s there.
You need to get back, Elara abruptly cries in my mind.