I skid across the ground, every inch of me aching from the impact.

Wolfe is back on his feet, leaping at the beast’s head, claws outstretched. He rakes across its head, trying to reach for its eyes, and the beast shakes violently. Nyko and I charge again, that fucking tail coming out of nowhere and whacking into us, the sharpness of the barbs catching me across my side. Not deep, but it damn scratches me across my abdomen.

Bellowing, I stumble out of reach, willing my blades to vanish as I reach for my injuries. Blue blood rolls free from the gashes, and it goddamn stings like acid.

It swings its massive tail, hitting Wolfe and sending him flying. He crashes into a tree, the trunk splintering under the force.

I push myself forward, my body screaming in protest. As I glance up, I spot the beast staring in Sage’s direction. She’s backing into the woods, whimpering.

“No!” I shout, my heart thundering.

The beast snarls, charging after her.

I force myself to my feet, every muscle protesting.

“Sage, run!”

The beast roars, its jaws opening wide.

We’re out of time.

“Fuck you,” I groan, trying to push myself up, rushing toward him, Wolfe and Nyko doing the same. Fear pummels into me that it’s turned its attention to her.

“You’re not taking her from us,” I bellow.

Not now, not ever.




Teeth and claws flash as the Nythrax beast rushes at me, blazing red eyes and rows of knifelike teeth coming my way.

Screaming, I scramble backward, trying to get out of its way, but it’s coming too fast. My heart bangs in my ears, drowning out my cries. I call to my ability, but nothing happens—only the fear beating into me, paralyzing me.

It’s going to kill me. Frantically running away, I keep glancing back, and suddenly, my three monsters fly at the creature’s side with such force they send it reeling sideways. It loses its footing, stepping into a ditch, and tumbles down a small ravine.

Wolfe is at my side in an instant, dragging me against him, and we all move away from the creature, me panting for breath. Killian is staggering, with huge gashes across his torso, and he’s bleeding blue. He glances at me, pain etched into his features as he scrunches up his face as though he’s barely holding on.

“Killian… shit, shit!” I cry out, rushing to his side. He leans against a tree, and fear tumbles through me.

A guttural shriek comes from the ravine, where already I see the creature climbing out, and my skin crawls.

“I need to find you somewhere to hide.” My voice wobbles. “We’re not going to win against that animal.”

“We have no option,” Killian groans. “Don’t you see? We walk away, we’re dead. So, we fight to the end. To save you, to keep you safe… that’s our mission.”

“Are you insane?” I yell. “You’re going to die saving me, then leave me here at the mercy of my fucking father? Don’t you dare leave me or die, or I’ll come for you in whatever afterlife Shadowfen have and haunt you. I’m serious!” I’m breathing so fast, hyperventilating, and dread consumes me.

Killian reaches over, his hand heavy on my shoulder. “I love your fierceness. I love everything about you, my pretty little monster, but I won’t let you die.”

I’m tearing up, tears falling freely now, feeling like my world is collapsing.

“Don’t any of you leave me,” I whisper, voice breaking. “Now, we need to get you somewhere safe. Lean on me.”

A brutal roar slices through the morning, and my attention snaps back to the dark beast on all fours, staring at us amid the trees between us, his gaze blazing with fury.