Nyko laughs bitterly. “Of course he did. No surprise there.”

“That’s why he’s going to die. Only way this will work.” Wolfe pauses and reaches out to take her hand in his. “Now, let’s move quickly and get this done.”

We climb a steep slope, using low-hanging branches to pull ourselves up. I’m at Sage’s side, an arm around her waist, practically carrying her.

“You have a huge heart,” I whisper. “You barely know your sister, and you care so much for her.”

“How can I not? She’s stuck in a shitty situation, and I know she’s reaching out to me for help.”

We reach the cave, and a great guttural roar escapes from within.

Wolfe places his hand over his mouth, making a hushing sound.

Sage presses against my side, staring into the gaping black cave, and I push her to stand behind me, keeping her close. I don’t feel safe leaving her outside on her own.

Staring at the cave, Wolfe and Nyko take the first steps inside.

I draw my swords.

When I move into view of the cave, I catch a sudden movement in the cave up ahead. Shadows shift, and I hear the crunch of stones. Something stirs.

“It’s here and has seen us,” Nyko murmurs under his breath.

None of us move.

It rushes at us—a shadow, a monstrous figure roaring, paws slapping the ground.

Panic surges, and I recoil, gently nudging Sage out of the way. “Quickly, hide.”

The glint of teeth is the first thing I see as it emerges. We all scramble back, darting to the side. My gaze flicks to a fear-stricken Sage, who is several trees away, behind a trunk, staring at us.

I swing back to the cave frantically as the beast bursts outside.

It’s enormous, four times our height, and completely black. Sharp spikes run down its back, and it has a thick, spiked tail. Rows upon rows of teeth glint menacingly as it snarls, snorting from flaring nostrils. Covered in leather-like skin that glints in the early morning rays, the Nythrax beast is a fucking nightmare brought to life.

We back away farther, the ground trembling under its weight as it stomps in our direction. This isn’t going to be a quick fight.

“Stay hidden,” I shout to Sage.

“We do this!” Nyko commands.

In a heartbeat, we’re charging, moving with lightning speed. I throw myself forward, my swords swinging across his flank, but they bounce off its hide as if it’s made of stone. It swirls on the spot, growling and swinging its spiked tail wildly. I leap over the tail, then attack again, slicing my swords into its side because I don’t fucking give up, but nowhere I hit breaks skin.

“I can’t cut its hide,” I call out.

Wolfe scrambles on its back, claws and teeth ripping into the thick skin at the back of its neck. No blood spills… fuck! The beast roars, shaking Wolfe off like he’s nothing. He lands in a heap of bushes and jolts to his feet.

Nyko expands his form, dark shadows blotting out the rising sun as he charges the beast. He hits it with the force of a battering ram, knocking it off its feet. We use that moment to attack, knowing that for most animals, the underbelly is usually the weak spot.

I dart in, my swords slashing at it. The beast roars, thrashing wildly. Wolfe is back up, leaping onto the beast’s back, claws digging in. Nyko’s shadows wrap around its legs, trying to hold it down. It’s a chaos of motion, all of us moving with deadly precision.

The beast thrashes, tossing Wolfe off again. He hits the ground hard, but he’s up in an instant, a growl rumbling from his chest. I keep slashing at the beast’s underside, but it’s like trying to cut through steel. I’m not piercing through.

Nyko tightens around his legs as the animal attempts to get up, unleashing a shrieking sound, its claws swiping in our direction. I duck them and attack, but my swords just bounce off the skin.

“What the fuck is this thing made of?”

It loosens its arm from my hold and swings into me, throwing me off, then rakes at Nyko. He flinches away, missed by inches.