Ragnar makes a wild dash for Martell, who has his back to him. His beefy arms have Nikos in a headlock.
A cry scratches my throat, afraid he’s going to snap Nikos’ neck. Cirus is on the ground growling while the savage crowd calls for Nikos’ death.
Moving with unimaginable speed, Ragnar rips Martell off Nikos, and they fall into a vicious roll across the ground. They move so fast it’s hard to see, but I’m certain I see tiny sparks of magic from Ragnar’s hands.
No one else seems to notice, or they’d be calling it out.
They come to an abrupt stop, and Ragnar stands, then grabs Martell. His body moves with speed that can only come from magic. Unleashing a thunderous roar, he hurls my ex-fated mate at a nearby tree. The moment the asshole hits the tree, he bursts into flames, and the whole tree goes up in an explosion of fire.
I scream in shock, as does everyone else.
Their panic rings out across the air, followed by shouting and people running in every direction. While everything goes haywire, I notice the group of Martell’s men we’d spied sneaking up on the right, charging toward us.
Ragnar had just set their Alpha on fire. Of course, they’d be pissed.
Where moments earlier, the fight was punches and teeth, we’d now show them why we are the true leaders of Savage Sector.
Stone and I push forward.
Ragnar doesn’t hesitate to use what power he still has on the river of shifters coming at us from both directions.
Fiery magic erupts from my hands, striking the wall of newcomers. My body trembles from the sheer surge of power I draw into me. It’s like warm water trickling over my body. My chest swells as my power leaves me buzzing and bouncing on my toes. Then suddenly, the lines of energy zigzag out of control.
I no longer know who I’m draining.
Panic and fear collide in me, my skin crawling that I’ll kill everyone in sight.
I cry out when someone steps up behind me, their hands around my waist.
“You hold control of your power,” Stone whispers. “And you can stop now with a single thought.”
“Stop!” I cry out.
The power dies instantly, and I gasp out of disbelief as I stumble into Stone’s arms.
The tree with Martell still burns, and beyond that, the grounds are littered with bodies, close to thirty unmoving men. It scares me to know how easily I took them out. I want to believe they aren’t dead, just stunned, but I don’t move to check.
When someone calls my name, I turn to the three men approaching me. They are bloody, bruised, and limping. Behind them, the grounds are bloody and littered with more bodies. Everyone else seems to have vanished.
“Does anyone ever listen to me in this family?” Ragnar teases. “You two were supposed to have vanished.”
“Shut up and hug me,” I say. “You can thank Stone and me later for saving all your asses.”
Laughing, Crius clasps his side, then winces. “I want to know why you didn’t jump in before that fucking beast punched me so hard. I’m certain he broke my ribs.”
Taking his hand, I bring him closer. Nikos stumbles over to us, his face streaked in blood from a huge gash under his eye.
“Whatever you did to Martell, Ragnar, you will be on everyone’s lips for years. Fuck, he deserved to die spectacularly, and you sure delivered.”
Ragnar grins, his eyes burning with love when he looks down at me. “No thanks to borrowed power.” Taking me in his arms, he cups my face, then kisses me. I push against him, fisting his torn shirt, and let myself finally believe we may have a future that doesn’t involve my ex-fated mate trying to kill us.
When we break apart, all my men crowd in around me, and we embrace, holding each other close.
“Today will be remembered for those who have fallen and for us starting a new future. With Martell and so many of his followers gone, there will be few who might oppose my takeover. But first, you and Stone have to teach me that trick of giving me your power.”
I laugh, surprised that I feel so incredible after using my power. My mother told me we were unimaginably powerful, but it still stuns me.