Her eyes widened in surprise. “You got me flowers? A-and y-you got the kids gifts?”
“Sweetheart—” I moved in and tucked her hair behind her ear. “If you’ve never been given flowers before, that’s a damn shame. But yes, I did get flowers for you because I want your siblings to know just how crazy I am about their big sister. And yes, I bought presents for them, too. Nothing big, but I want them to like me. And I’m not above bribery.”
“I’m gonna throw up,” I said as I walked hand-in-hand with Will to my front door. It didn’t matter how much I vacuumed and dusted earlier. It didn’t matter that I’d sprung for new hand towels to hang in the bathroom and on the front of the oven. It didn’t matter how much I Windexed and Febrezed; I could only make shit look so good.
“Breathe, Kris,” Will’s quiet voice rumbled from behind me as my foot hit the first step.
I froze on the steps as they bowed under our weight. “Will, my house… it’s not that nice. The neighborhood sucks, and I’m really trying to look for a new place. It’s just that…”
Will wrapped his arms around me, and I crashed into his chest. “This isn’t about the house, is it? Which, for the record, looks hella cozy.”
I swallowed. “I’ve always worried about what would happen when I did this for the first time. It’s bringing up some really fucked up memories. I feel like I should be over it by now, but I’m not.”
“Just because you’re resilient doesn’t mean you’re not hurting.” Will pressed a kiss into my hair, and I fell head first off a cliff for the man. He squeezed my hand. “Are you ready for this?”
I shook my head. “Nope.”
He chuckled. “Do it anyway.”
Will kept his hand on the small of my back as I walked up the last two steps and opened the door. Kylie and Hunter were seated on the couch. Zoey stood on her tiptoes, watching us through the window. Logan was nowhere in sight.
“Hey, guys,” I said as calmly as I could.
If I was freaking out, then they would freak out, and this whole meet-and-greet would go up in flames before Will ever set foot in the house.
I tightened my grip on the bouquet Will gave me as if it could keep me from completely losing it. “Where, um… Where’s Lo?”
“Present,” Logan muttered as he moped down the hall to the living room.
The house looked mostly clean and, for that, I gave thanks. Will’s chest bumped against my back and knew that it was now or never.
“Um… Guys, this is my friend, Will.” I couldn’t have sounded more terrified if I had tried. I opened my mouth to fumble my way through another pathetic introduction, but my feet started moving across the dull gray carpet.
Will’s hand was in mine, and he ducked inside, leading me further into the house.
“Nice to meet y’all. I’m Will.”
Kylie looked surprised. “You got Kris flowers?” Her voice was as quiet as a church mouse.
Apparently, that was the perfect opening for Will. “Got you some too, Kylie,” He grinned, reaching into the bag and producing a slightly smaller version of the bouquet he had given me.
My heart exploded into a thousand pieces as I watched my sister beam from ear to ear. “I’m gonna go get a vase,” she said with a giddy smile.
Satisfied that Will wasn’t a threat and hopeful at the prospect of presents, Zoey bolted from the window and planted her feet in front of Will. “Hi! I’m Zoey!”
He knelt so he could look her in the eye and offered a handshake. “Hi, Zoey. I’m Kristin’s…” He cut his eyes at me and, with a hint of playful annoyance, said, “Kristin’s friend.”
Kylie and Hunter hid their laughs. Logan was unamused.
Zoey looked up at me. “Is your friend fast?”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “What?”
“How fast is he?” she said as if she was dumbing down the concept of speed for me.