Page 79 of In Spades

“Go ahead,” he teased. “Ask me out.”

“You know what, never mind,” I said, harassing him. “I take it back.”

“Kris—” I heard his sleepy laugh and imagined him lying on his back, shirtless in bed. “I’ll be on my best behavior, I swear. When can I see you again?”

“A bunch of us get together for poker every Monday. It’s pretty lowkey. We order pizza. There’s drinks. It’s really more to hang out than gamble.”

“Just tell me when and where.”

“I’ll text you the address. But I was thinking…” I took a deep breath. “Maybe afterward, you could swing by my place for a few minutes… I kind of told the kids a little bit about you, and they mostly want to meet you.”


“Three out of four isn’t bad. It might take Logan a little time to warm up to you.”

“Logan. Seventeen, into video games, sulking around, and the occasional football game,” he said, repeating the run-down I’d given him this morning.

When we sat down to eat breakfast, he asked me questions about all the kids. Their likes and dislikes. Their favorite foods and what they watched on TV.

Goosebumps cropped up on my skin when he recounted everything in perfect detail. Will listened. He remembered. He cared.

“You got it.” I tried to sound cheery, but truth be told, I was worried that Logan wouldn’t come around to Will.

“I can tell you’re biting your nails,” he chided. “Don’t worry about me meeting them. I’m not expecting it to be all sunshine and roses the first time around.” Will chuckled good-naturedly. “You haven’t been easy to win over. I’d expect nothing less from them.”

“Speak of the devil!” Maddie squealed as she rocketed off the couch. “Spill! We need the details of your big date!”

Melissa and I walked in together. She had given me a ride to poker night so Will could take me home, and I wouldn’t have to worry about picking up my car.

I laughed and made a beeline for the bar in Maddie and Luca’s basement. I wasn’t driving, and I wasn’t getting through the night sober. Not when I was leading Will right into the lions’ den.

Luca stuffed a glass into my hand and whispered something about it being strong.

I took a sip and sputtered. “Good Lord! That nearly burned my eyelashes off! What the hell is in that thing? Lighter fluid?”

He smirked. “Vodka, rum, gin, and Midori. It’s called a Hand Grenade.”

I took another careful sip. “Your talents are greatly appreciated, Chef DeRossi.”

“Stop hogging her, Luca!” Maddie said as she grabbed my arm, pulling me to the semi-circle couch where the girls always congregated. “So, is he coming tonight?”

I checked my phone and nodded as I took a seat beside Bridget. “Yeah, he should be here in a few minutes.”

“Tell us about the date!” Hannah demanded as she toed off her designer heels and tucked her feet under her rear. “Did you finally get laid? Was it amazing?”

“Um, I did not sleep with him!” My eyes nearly popped out of my skull. “Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell y’all about it.”

Maddie rolled her eyes. “Please. We know all about each other’s sex lives. There are no secrets here.”

“I wish there were secrets,” Mel mumbled with a laugh.

Between bites of pizza, Hannah Jane pointed to Maddie and said, “Luca likes to fuck Mad against windows.”

Maddie looked rather pleased with herself. She exchanged a heated look with Luca, who was grinning from ear to ear.

Hannah pointed to Erica. “She and Steve get it on so much they literally made a new person.”

Erica laid her hand on her growing baby bump and shrugged. “A girl can only swallow so many times.”