Page 77 of In Spades

She shrugged her tiny shoulders, then popped up on her tiptoes to get her plate into the sink. “I wanna meet him.”

The two younger kids hurried off to their rooms, leaving Kylie and Logan at the table.

“What about you two?” I asked. “Any strong opinions one way or the other?”

Kylie glanced down the hall, waiting to speak until Hunter and Zoey were out of earshot. “Are you really dating? I heard Miss Hannah talking to Chase about it.”

I figured that would be the case. Logan and Kylie were almost adults and far more perceptive than they let on.

“Would it upset you guys if I went out on a few dates?” I asked as I filled the sink with soapy water. I looked over my shoulder. “You can be honest.” Kylie was still picking at her dinner, so I looked at my brother. “Logan?”

He sulked over to the sink and added his plate to the stack. “Whatever.” And with that rousing vote of confidence, he slumped down the hall to the room he shared with Hunter.

“I’ll talk to Lo about it later,” Kylie said softly. She offered a weak smile as she brought the last of the dishes to the sink. “Did you really go on a date with him? You know, like overnight?”

Normal sisters were able to talk about things like boys, dates, first kisses, and sex. We weren’t normal, though. The line between Kylie and me was blurred. I wasn’t just her sister. I was her guardian.

“I did.”

She leaned her butt against the kitchen counter and crossed her arms. “So… did you, like, sleep together?”

I paused before grabbing the damp dish towel and drying my hands. “If by sleep together, you mean did we sleep in the same bed—then, yes.”

“Did you… do it?”

I laughed it off and shook my head. “No, Ky. It was our first date.”

“But you have done it before. Right?”

I crossed my arms and smirked. “I’m the one who gave you the sex talk. Remember?”

“But you will sleep with him eventually,” she said.

I sighed. “Ky, I don’t know where this is going. Will is sweet and kind, and I am crazy about him. But I also work a lot, and we have a lot going on here at home. I’ve been upfront with him about that. He knows that you guys are my priority.”

“Does he know about…” Her voice trailed off. We didn’t speak about what happened with our parents. Ever.

I nodded. “Yes. I told him.”

Kylie’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “And he still wants you… and us?” There was an unmistakable tremble in her voice. The corner of her mouth quivered.

“Ky—” I dropped the dish towel and pulled her into a hug. “You are not unwanted or unloved. Not now, not ever.”

Kylie sniffed as she hugged me. I stroked the back of her hair and squeezed her tight. “Is he good?” she whispered.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Do you think that Steve and Chase would let me go out with someone who isn’t?”

She wiped underneath her eyes. “I guess you’re right.”

“They ran a background check on him, honey. Will is a good man.”

That made her smile. Kylie laughed, “I’m surprised Steve didn’t follow you on your date.”

I peered down the hallway. Both bedroom doors were closed. Carefully, I pulled out a cereal box. It was empty, but the kids didn't know that because it was a brand they hated. That may or may not have been on purpose. I opened the box and pulled out a bag of chocolate-covered pretzels.

Kylie’s eyes widened. “When did you get those?”

I put my finger to my lips. “Secret stash.” Pointing at her, I said, “And snitches get stitches.”