And working.
And working.
And at thirty-eight years old, I bought the Taylor Creek Inn. Well, I owned the holding company that owned the investment company that bought the Taylor Creek Inn. Not too shabby.
“Hey, you,” Kristin chirped, smiling as she turned the corner and parked the housekeeping cart between my room and the next. “I thought you’d be long gone by now. I was going to call you on my break.”
Like always, Kristin was in her Taylor Creek uniform. She joked about how much she hated the white polo shirts, but didn’t mind the trim green trousers. I made a note about the shirts and passed it along to the folks who would tell upper management to make the changes. She claimed they made her look frumpy, but Kristin could wear a paper bag and still look good enough to eat.
“Figured I’d wait,” I said, twirling my truck keys on one finger. “Wanted to see you before I drive back home.”
Kristin tucked loose tendrils of hair behind her ears and gave me a shy smile. “I think I’m actually going to miss you, Mr. Solomon.”
I chuckled. If she only knew what I had up my sleeve.
“What’s next for you?” she asked quietly as a couple with matching bride-and-groom luggage stepped off the elevator. “Back to running remote black-ops in the dark at home?”
“Smart ass,” I quipped, smiling as I nudged her hip with my finger.
She had to crane her head up to look up at me. Damn, her lips looked soft.
I scolded her with a playful tsk-tsk. “Two weeks with me, and you still don’t know what I do.”
“Not a damn clue.” She giggled.
“Well,” I said as I lowered my head, crowding her space. “I guess we’ll just have to spend some more time together outside of here.” I tapped on the wall to punctuate my point.
She lowered her eyes to her spotless sneakers.
“About that date you owe me…”
She reached out and gingerly touched my hand. “I wish I could … I really do. Maybe in a different lifetime.”
She wasn’t getting off that easily. I reared back and winced. Cringing, I whispered, “I’m already thirteen years older than you. Do you think I have that much time left on earth?”
That made her laugh. Whenever I poked fun at her age, it used to bother her.
Now, she giggled and said, “That was my master plan. I’m just gonna out-live you and get out of our date that way.”
“What about tonight?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
She shook her head. “I already have plans.”
I faked surprise. “Oh?”
Kristin smiled sheepishly. “Girls’ night. We’re driving down to Emerald Isle to go bar hopping.”
I couldn’t help but clench my fists. I knew all about the little white lie Maddie and Hannah Jane told Kristin. Still, the thought of Kristin downing umbrella drinks and getting groped by creepy frat boys raised my hackles.
“Call me sometime?” she asked out of the blue. Her voice softened. “It’s been really great getting to know you, Will.”
I licked my lips. God, I want to kiss her.
The longer I stood there, the less self-control I had. Not even that ill-fitting uniform could hide the shape of her body.
The curve of her hip.
The dip in her waist.