The man had the best ass I’d ever seen, and those tight work jeans gave me an unobstructed view for maximum ogling.
I think that’s what I loved most about him. He was humble. He didn’t apologize for having done well for himself, but he didn’t flaunt it either.
“Hey, Sunshine.” Will was smiling, but there was a nervous tremor in his voice.
“Will—” I looked around at the mass of flowers and candles. Oh no. It was going to set the sprinklers off. “What are you?—”
Before I could get the rest of the words out, he reached into his pocket, pulled out a small box, and lowered down onto one knee.
“Kristin.” He looked at where I was frozen in the doorway and laughed. “C’mon, sweetheart—you’re not gonna make me do this with you standing all the way over there, are you?”
My feet moved of their own volition, carrying me closer and closer. I bent my knees to get down on his level, but he grabbed my hips and laughed.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to be on one knee,” he said with a chuckle. “You gotta stand up, Sunshine.”
My lip quivered, and I wiped away the tears that were already streaming down my face.
“Sorry,” I said, laughing through gasping sobs. “I’ve never done this before. You’re the one with experience proposing.”
Will let out a loud crack of laughter. “I’m pretty sure that etiquette states that you’re not supposed to make fun of the person trying to propose.”
“Sorry! Sorry!” I giggled and cupped my hands over my mouth.
“Can I get on with it now?” he asked.
I nodded furiously, not saying another word.
“Kristin,” he began. “The day I met you in this room changed everything. I was minding my own business, and you barged in here and scared me half to death.”
Will paused and gave me a warning glare. “And none of your ‘almost-over-the-hill’ jokes either,” he said. “You walked in here and asked if you could open the curtains to let the sunshine in. Before you, my life was dark and lonely, but you’ve filled it with more love and light than I know what to do with.”
He blinked back tears in between nervous breaths.
“You have so much goodness in you. It can’t help but spill out and brighten everything around you. Your work ethic, how fiercely you love and protect the kids—you are an incredible woman. Four months ago, you walked in here and let the sunshine in. From that day on, I knew I didn’t want to live without it. Without you.”
Tears fell fast. I was smiling, crying, laughing, and probably looked downright silly. “Will…”
“Go open the curtains.”
Carefully, I tiptoed through the narrow path lined with candles that led to the balcony. I grabbed the middle seam of the heavy fabric and threw the curtains back. Logan—who was holding a fire extinguisher—Kylie, Hunter, and Zoey stood shoulder to shoulder on the balcony, each holding a sign with one word on it.
Together, it read, Will you marry him?
I gasped when I saw the four of them there, holding their breath, waiting for me to say something. Will stepped past me and stood on the balcony. He pulled a ring out and handed the box to Logan.
“What do you say, Sunshine?” Will said with garbled emotion in his voice. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” I said it so quickly that I wasn’t sure it actually came out of my mouth before I launched myself into his arms. “Yes!”
Will caught me with ease, kissing me and spinning around. Then, in a chorus of simultaneous cheers and disgust from the kids, he set me on my feet, took my left hand, and slid the ring on my finger.
The six of us shuffled into Jokers and were met with a giant banner that read, Congratulations Kristin & Will. Apparently, the surprise engagement party was Kylie and Hannah Jane’s idea. The poker club and a few staffers from the inn were there, ready to celebrate.
Bridget had a tray of mocktails ready for the kids so they wouldn’t feel left out.
After a quick hug and congratulations from Steve, he pulled Logan away to talk about the car and see how the restorations were going. It wouldn’t be long before Logan joined the poker club too.
Hannah Jane pulled Kylie aside to talk to her about a job as an event assistant for the upcoming wedding season.