Page 136 of In Spades

“Would you like another drink, sweetheart?” I asked Kristin while Elena launched into a spirited conversation with Isaac.

Maybe I hadn’t given Elena enough credit. Of course, she’d keep up appearances. I don’t know why I doubted her professionalism. Hell, that’s why I’d kept her on Allegiant’s payroll after we split up.

Crisis averted. I’d go get Kristin another drink. Then we’d mingle for a few more minutes until I could steal her away to the courtyard to pop the question.

“Really, Will?” Elena’s condescending voice startled me as she sided up with me at the bar. “Slumming it with the help?” She looked over her shoulder to where Kristin and Hannah Jane were talking. “She’s adorable. Like a lost little puppy looking for someone to love her. I bet she loves having a sugar daddy. She’s, what, eighteen? Must be a dream come true for a girl like that.”

“Twenty-five, actually,” I said as the bartender slid me a glass of bourbon. “Not that it’s any of your concern.”

She offered an insincere smile. It was the kind of expression you saw on an alligator before it opened its jaw, chomped down on something fleshy, and pulled it into a death roll. Her eyes briefly glanced at the slight bulge in my jacket pocket, where I had tucked the ring box away for safekeeping.

I couldn’t tell if she realized what it was. Before I could find out or remind her to keep her mouth shut, Elena picked up her drink and disappeared into the crowd.

“That was something,” Kristin said, laughing as she wrapped her hand around the crook of my elbow. “I swear Isaac was about to lose his mind if Ms. Callaway didn’t stop kissing his ass.”

She’s a gold digger, I thought to myself as I took a healthy gulp from the rocks glass. “What do you say we take a walk?” I suggested. “Get some air? It’s a little hot in here.”

She reached up and pressed her palm to my cheek. “You’re a little clammy. Do you feel alright?”

Just nervous. “Never better.”

A piercing shriek of feedback blared out from the sound system as Rich picked up the microphone and stepped on stage. He stood awkwardly in front of the jazz trio that was making its way through every Christmas carol known to man. The band exchanged glances before quieting down.

Rich greeted the crowd before launching into his pompous remarks about the staff being like a family.

I snorted. When an employer said their staff was like a family, it just meant they worked in a toxic environment with a complete lack of boundaries.

Kristin downed the last of her champagne and set the empty glass on a passing tray.

Rich finished his speech about what a successful year it had been at Taylor Creek, which made me laugh. The books told a very different story. The inn was leaking money faster than the Titanic took on water.

I had my suspicions, but I had yet to put a face or name to the money trail we’d been tracking. I pushed that out of my mind. Tonight was going to be a good night.

“Before we get back to the party,” Rich said, wrapping up. “I’d like to introduce Elena Callaway, who is here representing our new parent company, Allegiant Holding Group.”

Rich handed off the microphone to Elena as she stepped onto the stage.

She locked eyes with me, metaphorically flicking a lighter on and off as she stood over a bundle of dynamite.

“Thank you, Mr. Davidson.” She smiled. “It has been such a pleasure to get to know each of you these past few weeks. From reception to special events, the grounds crew, the administrative staff” — her gaze landed on Kristin — “and housekeeping. You should all be proud of the work you do to make this beautiful hotel a destination for tourists all over the world.” Something wicked blazed in her eyes. “When I heard the news that Allegiant would be acquiring this property, I didn’t quite understand the fuss over a little inn in Beaufort, North Carolina. Now, I truly see what a remarkable place it is.”

I took Kristin’s hand and gave it a tug and whispered, “Sweetheart, let’s step outside.”

She shook her head. “I should stay. Hannah said they’re giving some bonuses and awards sometime tonight.”

Elena’s eyes met mine and I could do nothing but watch as she lit the fuse. I gave my head a subtle shake.

You know that no one is supposed to know who I am. Don’t do this, Ellie.

“C’mon,” I urged quietly. “Get some air with me.”

“It’ll just be a minute, Will.”

Too late.

Elena stretched her arm out and flashed a blinding smile. “And what a perfect night to introduce you to the founder of Allegiant Holding Group—Mr. William Solomon, ladies and gentlemen!”

Kristin froze.