Steve snickered.
“The only patients worse than firefighters are medical professionals,” she said, then pointed an accusatory finger at Steve. “And cops.”
“I’m a fuckin’ gem of a patient,” Steve said. “Besides, when was the last time you had to stitch me up?”
Erica snorted. “Sure, you’re a champ with an injury, but heaven forbid you get the man flu. You’d think you were on your deathbed.”
Steve glared at his wife.
Erica grinned in return while munching on fried pickles. Her feet hung from the barstool, swinging back and forth. With a hand resting on her baby bump, she looked like the happiest pregnant lady in the world. She was freaking glowing.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Will said as he walked over from the pool tables. He bracketed his arms on either side of me and leaned in for a kiss.
I could taste the beer on his lips.
I’d never been with a man who kissed me in front of people. In the past, I didn’t like public displays of affection. But this was different. I wanted the world to know that William Solomon was my man.
“Hey yourself,” I said against his lips. “Finish your game?”
Will grinned as he pulled away. “Yep. Kicked his ass.”
“Did not!” Chase said, hollering from the other end of the bar. “You won by two.”
Will mouthed, “Kicked his ass.”
The bar was filling up, so I hopped off the barstool so Will could take my seat.
He sat down and hooked his fingers in the belt loops of my jeans, dragging me in between his knees. He was so damn tall and took up so much space.
“Y’all aren’t rowdy tonight,” Will observed. “Who died?”
Maddie took that as a challenge. To her, those four words were the equivalent of hold my beer.
“Grandpa’s right!” she squealed, hoisting one knee on top of the bar.
“Whoa, now,” Chase said, grabbing her waist. He pulled her down before she could bust a move. “Luca made me promise to keep you from getting shitfaced and doing something stupid.”
“Don’t do anything that’ll land you in the emergency room,” Mel said. “The night staff is a shit show. Trust me. You’re better off being stitched up here in the stock room using tequila as an antiseptic.”
“And you’d be paying for that alcohol,” Bridget chimed in. “Keep your shoes off my bar, Mrs. DeRossi.”
Maddie didn’t remain deterred for long. I saw the wheels spinning in her evil little mind and I should have known something awful was going to come out of her mouth.
“Will, did you know that Kris has never had a lap dance?” she asked.
Will chuckled and glanced down at me. “That right, Sunshine?” His velvety rasp was more intoxicating than a fifth of whiskey.
“At my bachelorette party, Kristin had to take a phone call when the male dancers showed up.”
Heat flushed my cheeks, and I was red as a cherry. “Mad, get to the point before I bury myself in a hole out back.”
Maddie eyed Steve and Erica. “I think Steve and Will should see who’s better at darts. Loser has to give his woman a lap dance in the middle of the bar.”
Steve frowned, but Erica lit up like a bundle of dynamite.
Will grinned. “I’m pretty decent at darts, but … I don't wanna disrespect Bridget or the other customers who are just here to unwind.”
Maddie rolled her eyes. “Oh, stop being such a boy scout, Grandpa. Luca’s out of town, and I’m bored as hell. Please, I need some entertainment.”