Kylie didn’t know any different, but I did. And it was everything.
Next was Zoey’s room. I hadn’t been in this one before, but the touches of pink decor, the mountain of stuffed animals, and the sheer canopy over the bed were equally thoughtful. Will had gone above and beyond for the kids’ first night.
We walked the boys down to the other side of the hall.
“Hunter, this one’s yours,” Will said, opening the door. He darted out of the way as Hunter bolted inside.
The wooden bookshelves lining each wall were filled to the brim. It was like his own personal library. I recognized a few of the spines. Will must have been taking mental notes every time the kids opened their mouths within earshot of him.
Logan’s room was last. Will waited beside me as Lo opened the door and flipped on the light. The decor was much simpler than the other three, but there was a television and a gaming console on top of the dresser. A guitar was propped up in the corner.
I tried to rack my brain, but I came up with nothing. Logan didn’t know how to play. We didn’t have a guitar.
Then it hit me.
Logan had been watching a YouTube video of a guy playing a guitar last night after dinner…
Wow. Will worked fast.
“If you need anything, Kris and I will be downstairs,” Will said. “Make yourself at home. Raid the fridge, the pantry...”
Logan looked at the room, shellshocked.
“You good, Lo?” I asked gently.
Logan nodded, then hugged me.
My heart twisted as I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed.
Physical affection from him was rare. He’d mumble a half-hearted I love you once a day, but that was it. I was always the one bear hugging him to get on his nerves and remind him that I loved him.
But he initiated the hug this time, and it wrecked me.
I dropped my arms as Logan backed away from me. Will offered him a handshake, which very quickly turned into a bro-hug. Logan’s eyes were rimmed red as Will gave him a good-natured slap on the back.
He swallowed, then backed away. Moment over.
“Sleep well,” I said, squeezing Logan’s arm. “Holler if you need anything.”
Logan looked Will in the eye. “Thank you.”
Will gave Logan a simple nod, put his hand on my back, and led me downstairs.
As soon as my feet hit the foyer floor, I pressed my hands square on his chest and shook my head. “Will?—”
“I know what you’re going to say,” he blurted out quickly. “I knew you’d be pissed if I asked for your opinions on having the rooms redone, but it’s important to me that they have their own space.”
He left no room in his words for an argument.
Will wrapped his hands around my wrists, holding my flattened palms against his chest. I could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage.
He stroked the backs of my hands with his thumbs as he said, “I remember what it felt like to be their age and sleep in a stranger’s house. Trust me, it helps.”
He never talked much about his time in foster care. When he did, he didn’t have anything particularly negative to say about it. Still, even in the best situation, it had to be somewhat traumatic.
If I hadn’t already been in love with the man, I would have been a puddle at his feet. Hell, I was in love with him, and I was still melting.
“I’ll pay you back,” I insisted.