“That’s not a boundary, Kris. That’s you trying to penalize me for something I already apologized for.”
“Yes, you apologized, and I accepted it. But that doesn’t mean things can just go back to the way they were. You and I have things we need to work out. And as far as the kids… You certainly don’t get to decide how they feel about you.”
“I’m not backing down,” I said firmly.
She cocked a single eyebrow.
“I love you whether you like it or not.”
“Do I need to get a restraining order?” Kristin was dead serious, but so was I.
“If you don’t want to see me, then yeah—you might. Because I plan on making you fall in love with me again.” I was only half-joking.
“Will…” Kristin was breathless.
The wooden step between us creaked as I closed the gap.
“I haven’t fallen out of love with you,” she admitted quietly.
“Then say it like you mean it.”
With a breathy sigh, she rested her forehead on my chest and closed her eyes. “I am literally too tired to fight with you right now.”
I wrapped my free arm around her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Then stop fighting.”
We stood like that for a minute, resting on each other.
Finally, Kristin said, “I’m gonna grab my coat, and then we can go.” She gave me a sad look, then added, “But the kids… They’re really hurt. And I didn’t have a chance to talk to them about everything after we talked last night and then everything went to shit at the inn this morning—I’m still processing it all.”
I held out the brown paper bag with the bouquets of flowers and the two six-packs of sodas. “Then why don’t you take this inside with you, and I’ll go warm up the truck.”
She eased up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to my cheek. It wasn’t the hot and heavy encounter that we’d had in the parking lot at the bar.
But it was a start.
“We can stall if you want,” Will joked. He reached over, tapping on the glovebox where I knew he had a strip of condoms hidden.
We had been sitting in Maddie and Luca’s driveway for a solid fifteen minutes. I didn’t have the nerve to go inside yet.
His voice softened as he reached over and held my hand. “Or we can turn around and go home if you’re not ready to make nice.”
Maddie and Luca's house was all lit up and ready for Christmas. Their place always looked so cozy during the holidays. I wondered what Will’s house looked like.
What did he do for Christmas without any family around? Was he the decorate anyway to get in the spirit type or did he go about the day like it was just another twenty-four hours?
“I’m ready,” I said quietly, unlatching my seatbelt. “Let’s get this over with.”
Will squeezed my hand. “Kris, you don’t have to go in.”
“I need to do this,” I said, sounding more resolved than I really was. With his hand in mine, I drew from his strength, preparing myself for what was about to happen.
I was embarrassed at my emotional outburst when I stormed into the bar. Embarrassed at how I had ghosted the people who had never been anything but gracious and accepting.
I lashed out because I was hurt and humiliated. It was the reason, but it was not an excuse. I still needed to make things right between all of us.