Page 106 of In Spades

I bucked my hips against his hand, desperate for a release.

“Oh—oh!” I whimpered as I curled my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. I couldn’t focus on doing a damn thing to pleasure him, but I savored the connection.

The drive home was going to be unbearable, but the thrill of anticipation would make our first time even better.

“I feel you, sweetheart.” He worked the heel of his hand against my clit as I bucked my hips. “Open your eyes and let go.”

A single stroke of his fingers against the inner walls of my pussy sent me over the edge.

I opened my eyes.

We were at the top of the Ferris wheel, and I was flying.



The headlights of Will’s truck flashed across the wrought-iron gate guarding his driveway. I hadn’t been back at Will’s house since our first date. Still, the moment we pulled in, it felt like home.

The kids were passed out in the back seat. Hunter was zonked out against the window, while Zo and Ky used the giant stuffed flamingo between them as makeshift pillow. After a long day combined with the epic crash from their sugar high, they slept the entire way back to New Bern.

Logan took the passenger seat in the front. I was wedged between him and Will, fighting sleep for the two-hour trip back to New Bern.

“This is your place?” Logan asked in quiet disbelief as the truck rumbled down the driveway.

“Yep,” Will said as he threw the truck into park and cut the ignition. “C’mon. I’ll show y’all around.”

The windows glowed with warm light from inside, and solar stakes marked the path to the front door. Even in the darkness, Will’s home was beautiful.

“Where are we?” Zoey whimpered as the lights inside the truck turned on. She rubbed her fists against her closed eyes and yawned.

“We’re at my house,” Will said as he reached over and helped unbuckle her seatbelt. “Hunter, will you grab Zoey’s bag?”

Hunter was quick to pitch in, slinging Zoey’s overnight back onto his shoulder.

The kids—minus Logan—moved like zombies to the front door. Logan stayed glued to my side, his head on a swivel like he was readying for an attack.

A blast of warm air scented with pine and cinnamon swept over us as Will unlocked the door and led us in.

“It’s pretty late,” Will said. “How about I show y’all to your rooms and we’ll do the tour tomorrow?”

They nodded and yawned in agreement.

The six of us made our way up the stairs to the second floor. The smell of cinnamon grew faint, overpowered by the scent of lumber and fresh paint. It almost smelled like a hardware store. Weird.

It hadn’t smelled like that when I slept in the guest room on our first date.

Will opened the door to the room I had taken a nap in. “Kylie, this one’s yours. Zoey is next door. There’s a bathroom between the rooms for you to share.”

I appreciated the close proximity. Kylie was over the moon to have a night away from her little sister, but it gave me peace of mind knowing they were still near each other.

Will flipped the light on and I froze. It was the same room, but it didn’t look like it had when I stayed over.

Gone was the builder’s beige paint and sensible gray duvet. In their place were fresh white walls, a tufted cream headboard, and layers of crisp white linens.

Dark purple pillows and a fuzzy purple throw adorned the top of the bed. Flowers decorated the bedside table, and a woven rug stretched across on the floor.

The standard white blinds now had lavender curtains tied back on either side with white sashes.