Page 55 of Racing the Storm

“We can’t afford to be locked together. Danyal, I want it more than anything, but…”

He was right. As lost as I was to the moment, I wasn’t lost enough because we weren’t safe enough. He was still listening for the humans who were searching for us, and I was still listening for his warning.

“Pull out,” I said. “Come on my cock—on my balls.”

He swore a long string of something not English, so low I could barely make out the curves of the vowels. He began to stroke me, and as my entire body began to spasm as I tumbled over the edge, he ripped his cock out and slapped it on top of mine. I came seconds before he did, hot ropes hitting my chest before I felt his knot swelling.

It caught in the cut of my hip, and I pushed him back to reach for it. It took both hands to wrap around him, then I squeezed, and he let out something between a roar and a whine. If there were Wolves with the humans nearby searching for us, that would have done us in.

But there was no other sound in the building apart from the sleeping heartbeat of humans, and the racing breath of my once-again lover as he came, and came, and came—marking me with his seed.

His orgasm seemed to last forever, but eventually I felt him deflate, though his knot remained large against the palm of my hand. He collapsed, and I was damn sure a stiff breeze would knock him over if he was forced to stand.

“Are you all right?” I asked.

He laughed, mashing his face into the pillow as one arm and one leg octopussed around me. We were a sticky mess, but the scent of us together was everything. Having him against me like that once more…was everything.

“We’ll have to bathe later,” he murmured.

I kissed the side of his head and felt him as he started to drift. “There’s time,” I told him. I wasn’t sure I believed him, but for this little while, I decided to hope.




At first, I thought it was a dream. The bed beneath me seemed surreal, along with the steady breathing and gentle heartbeat from the Omega lying with his back to me. The air in the room was thick with the scent of him—of us—and before opening my eyes to face reality, I let myself bask in it.

Once I faced the day, the spell would be broken.

Danyal had made it clear he didn’t want to make a decision about what we were or what we might be until we were back in Corland. It was only fair, but the wolf inside me whined and begged to just claim him. It had taken all of my self-control not to knot him—all of my restraint not to sink my teeth into his shoulder.

Without the heat, without knotting him, the flickering bond had faded before sunrise, and I felt the absence like a missing limb. Maybe it wouldn’t be forever, but my luck had been shitty enough these past few years, I’d lost the ability to hope.

Still, Danyal was here. He was with me, asleep in the bed, in this little flat.

The next few days would be hell, trying to creep into Paris, trying to find a way over the border and back to our people. But for now, we had this.

Peeling away the covers, I grimaced at my stomach. I was covered mostly in my own come, my knot having spilled a river that would have probably glued us together if I hadn’t rolled away sometime during the night.

I desperately wanted a shower, but I also wasn’t going to give up the chance to wash up with him, so I moved into the kitchen instead and found instant coffee and a kettle. I wasn’t sure if the patrol would be looking for us today, but I could only hope they’d moved on.

If they found our camp, it would probably look abandoned, and they’d assume we’d run—which is what I would have done if I hadn’t been told to wait for Kor. I was only slightly regretting it now, but of course, I was also trained to follow orders from my superiors. It made sense to just obey—at least, until we ended up stuck here.

Until I stormed the fucking castle only to find Danyal with a pregnant woman who turned out to be a new breed of Wolf no one knew existed. I knew the shock of it was going to hit me, but I was grateful for my time at war because it allowed me to shove all that into small, dark boxes in the back of my mind to unpack later.

Drumming my fingers on the counter, I tuned my hearing on Danyal, who was starting to wake. The clock on the wall said it was almost eleven, which meant we’d slept most of the morning. We both had desperately needed the rest, and considering he’d been with Kasher all this time, I had no doubt he needed it more than me.

I stopped the kettle before it began to whistle, then poured two cups, and rummaged through the fridge until I found a small container of milk. It was on the edge of turning, but it would be good enough for the coffee, so I added it to the little box of sugar cubes, and I made my way back to the bedroom.

Danyal was up now, staring at me looking adorably sleep-rumpled and delicious. I wanted to drop everything in my hands and pounce, but I wasn’t sure he’d appreciate it. I didn’t know where I was allowed to go from here—what the hell last night meant. What it might predict for the future.

It was crawling up my spine, making me feel like I was about to lose my goddamn mind, because I wasn’t the kind of Wolf who could suffer the unknown. It was only the fact that he deserved my patience and respect that kept my mouth shut as I set the sugar and milk on the little nightstand.

“You look like you’re about to claw out of your skin,” Danyal said, his voice rough and low.

I shuddered and closed my eyes in a slow blink. “This is…a lot for me.”