Zane appeared just as I was plating the food, a pair of sweatpants on and nothing else. His nostrils were flaring, and before I had a second to react, he was on me. He had me pinned to the sink, his nose in my neck, snuffling along toward my shoulder.
In spite of my resolve, my cock hardened, and to my absolute humiliation, I felt my backside get wet. It didn’t matter that I’d only had Omega DNA for a handful of days. I knew exactly what it was. I recognized the scent of slick instantly…and so did Zane.
He let out a small, feral growl, and his hands reached around me, but I managed to catch him by the wrists before he got too close. I let out a low snarl, and after a beat, he took a step back.
“Don’t fucking make me floor you,” I snapped at him. I glanced behind me at the food, then I released one of his wrists and reached for his plate.
His eyes immediately went bright with interest when I waved the roast beef under his nose, but when he lunged for it, I held it back. “I get that you’re not entirely home right now, man, but we are gonna sit like civilized Wolves. Go to the sofa.”
He blinked at me, so I let go of his other arm and pointed. He bared his teeth for a second, all fangs and slick tongue, but after a moment, he obeyed. His feet dragged a little, but he made it across the room and flopped down on the cushions with a petulant huff.
There was fear in his eyes though, when I stood over him, and I realized it was the food. It was entirely possible his animal brain thought I’d use food deprivation as a punishment. Like the humans had probably done.
My stomach twisted with nausea, and I set the plate in front of him. “I won’t make you beg for your dinner, Zane,” I said, softening my voice. He stared at it, hesitant, so I picked up one half and pushed it into his hands. “Eat. Eat all of it, and if you’re still hungry, I’ll make you more.”
It only took another moment of encouragement before the food vanished behind his jaws. It was a mess, bits of bread and meat falling down around him, but I couldn’t bring myself to judge. He hadn’t asked for any of this, and I had no way of knowing how the hell to fix it.
I had gotten through half my food when he began to eye my plate, so I shoved mine over to him, and he took it down in three bites. I watched him to make sure he wasn’t going to choke, and when he swallowed with a satisfied huff, I rose and went to the kitchen for water.
A second later, I heard his footsteps echoing mine, and once again, his warm body crowded me against the counter. I was still sticky with slick, trying desperately not to think about it, but another gush dribbled out when his pheromones hit me.
If the serum didn’t wear off, I was screwed. Was this what it was like for Omegas all the time? Danyal had given me the basic rundown of submission as an Omega, but he hadn’t taken time for the whole sex-ed lesson, and I was regretting that now. Still, I hadn’t reacted that way to the Alpha back at the hospital, so it was safe to say that the one affecting me was this particular Alpha right here. The one I had wanted before I had taken the serum.
“Zane,” I said quietly as he nosed along my neck. The worst part wasn’t how good it felt. The worst part was knowing he’d kill me in my sleep if I let it get any further. He had no control, and I cared about him too much to take advantage of that.
Turning to face him, I grabbed him by the shoulders and eased him back a few steps. “I know you’re not getting half of what I’m saying, but you have to fight it.”
He blinked owlishly at me, then he lunged forward and licked my neck. My cock twitched in my jeans, and I was torn between wanting to throw myself at his feet and present my ass for a thorough fucking, and throwing myself out the window to get the hell away.
“If you were in your right mind, you’d know this was just hormones, okay?” I told him, trying to keep my voice firm as I eased him back again. “Your brother gave me some fucking Omega juice so I could break your ass out of the compound, and it’s supposed to be wearing off.”
Only, I didn’t feel any different. I desperately wanted to use the emergency phone and call Danyal, but I knew better. And anyway, it’s not like he’d know. I was the first Wolf to use the damn stuff longer than a couple of injections, and it was likely it would take a while to fully work its way out of my system.
It would get better. I would go back to normal.
I had to.
Glancing out the window, I let out a sigh. The sun was high, but I felt like I’d been up for days. I wasn’t sure how I was going to keep Zane in the house though, without staying awake myself, but I was desperate for a little shut-eye.
I grabbed the water, then guided him back to the sofa and sank against the cushions once more. It was too fucking comfortable, but the last thing I wanted to do was move. “Hey.” I said after a beat.
His gaze flickered over to mine, and he cocked his head to the side.
“I figure whatever’s going on with your head and your shift, it was from all the garbage they were pumping into you. Same shit happened to Kor, and he healed from it.” I reached for him and pressed my fingers to his pulse. It was a little sluggish for a Wolf, but nothing I’d have worried about under normal circumstances. Our gazes locked again, and I licked my lips. “Can you understand me.”
He didn’t respond, but I swore I saw something in his eye.
“Zane. You know you’re Zane, right?”
More silence, but before I could speak again, he lifted a curled hand and tapped his chest.
“Fuck,” I breathed. I bowed my head and let out the smallest, hysterical laugh. “Fuck, yeah you are. Okay.” I lifted my gaze and met his again. “And I’m Orion.”
His hand reached toward me, and he dragged a single claw along the outside of my right eye.
I snorted. “Yeah, I know. It’s pretty fucked up. Your brother did it. Danyal.”
At the sound of Danyal’s name, Zane let out a high-pitched whine of pain, and I grabbed his hand, giving it a soft squeeze.