I went with her misunderstanding and headed to the bathroom. It had to have been hours, anyway. After washing my hands, I glanced in the bathroom mirror at my reflection. I hardly recognized myself in the drapey goddess-style dress and my hair gathered in twists and gold rings.
The material of my matching slippers molded to my feet and provided full support as I returned around the corner where Vessa waited.
“Not that I’m complaining, but is there a reason for all of this pampering?"
Her yellow eyes scanned the room. "You and the other females are going to be presented to Korga. He’ll determine where each of you will be placed.”
“You could interact with his guests in the arena or travel with us. Some noncombatants stay behind to maintain the facility while we’re away."
Damn. I had all kinds of words in my head for this Korga clown.
"Come on," Vessa said, motioning for me to follow her. We joined the procession of female captives making their way to meet Korga.
I tried to stay positive. The Wanderstar Fleet had dibs on the entire galaxy, right? They had to find us once they learned our ship went missing in some backwater space hub.
Oh, yeah. I forgot I took a charter flight. The Fleet finding us could take a while.
I walked with the others, continuing our march towards the unknown. My heart pounded against my chest as we approached a big chamber. The room was dimly lit, with a massive seat on a platform at the far end. I muttered under my breath even as I felt dread. Did this guy think he was some kind of king?
"Stand tall," Vessa urged me, her voice barely a whisper. "The confident ones get to be among the patrons and champions."
Korga's barrel-chested, imposing figure came into view as we stepped closer. He stood near his throne, his tusked face twisted into a sneer as he surveyed each one of us like prized cattle. I recognized his alien species as Quarek, the same shapeshifters who once tried to invade Earth before the Wanderstar Fleet helped us drive them away. His speckled orange eyes gleamed with power and conquest.
"Human women are a strange-looking bunch," he mused as his gaze settled on me, tilting his head. Multiple scars covered his face. "But there's something about their fragile, warm skin." His hand reached out towards me, and I instinctively backed away.
"Don't even think about it," I warned him, drawing on every ounce of courage I had left. "I used to be a hostess at a club. I know all about your type."
A snarl contorted Korga's face. I might have said too much.
“Korga.” The alien guard who had taken me from the ship stepped forward. “Aurik has claimed this one for himself. He wants her in return for winning his last match."
"That big blue bastard thinks he's craftier than me, does he?" Korga twisted his lips. "Fair enough. I'll play his game. But tell him he has to win his next match, too." He turned to me with a creepy smile, his eyes filled with malice. "I know where I want you. Since you used to be a hostess, you can entertain my elite clientele during today's fight."
Chapter Four
As I was escorted away from Korga, a weight settled on my shoulders. I put up a strong front, but now that our meeting was over, I was shaken. Did I even know what I was being put into?
"Sonya, don't worry so much." Vessa picked up on my worried expression. She kept beside me, her eyes glinting with a mix of concern and amusement. "Korga likes feisty females. Just show the same fire to his guests when you escort them to their seats and bring them drinks. Don't be too sassy, though." She flicked her forked tongue. "That didn't go so well for one of the others about a month ago."
I didn’t want to ask how or why.
Vessa's words did help to ease part of the tension coiling within me. Maybe I could do this. After all, wasn't survival my main goal? If playing hostess for a night would keep me alive, then that's what I had to do.
"Thanks," I murmured, attempting a smile despite the lingering anxiety. "I appreciate your advice."
"No problem, human," she replied with a sly grin, her fangs glinting. "Just remember, it's a fine line we walk here. Stay on your toes."
Those fangs. Venomous or not, I didn’t want to be caught on her bad side. "Are you hosting tonight too?"
"I rarely host," she replied as she pounded her fist into her palm. "Tonight, I fight in the female division."
The sudden show of power and intensity in her expression made me intimidated, even if it wasn't directed at me. It seemed like everyone here had a hidden strength that I couldn't begin to compare.
I bumped into a towering figure. "Sorry," I uttered, looking up only to jump back in alarm. A horned alien appearing half-organic, half-machine loomed over me, standing over seven feet tall. He had two eyes - one grey and pupilless, the other a bright infrared. The red eye glowered at me.