I looked around at the other females, some chatting, others sitting in silence with distant expressions.

“Human Sonya, Vessa says it’s time for your wash.”

As I stood in the dimly lit room, a trio of female alien attendants approached me. Their purple faces were friendly enough, but I couldn't help but feel uneasy as they guided me toward a small alcove. With gentle, coaxing gestures, they indicated that I should undress and step into the shallow basin in front of me.

"Is that really necessary?" I hesitated, eyeing the medicated spray mounted on the wall. The attendants merely exchanged glances before one of them stepped forward and activated the nozzle. A fine mist filled the air, settling onto my skin with a slight tingle.

"Calmness," one of the attendants urged in halting English. "Cleanse body, remove toxins."

"Works for me," I relented, allowing them to hose me down and scrub away the dirt and grime from my recent ordeals.

Next, they led me to a steaming hot bath, where I sank gratefully into the soothing water. As I submerged myself, I couldn't help but think how nice it would be to just stay here for an hour or so, surrounded by warmth and comfort.

I wouldn’t fall for it.

"Food," another attendant announced, bringing me back to reality as she placed a tray of exotic dishes beside the tub. My stomach growled at the sight, and I realized just how hungry I was. Part of me wanted to question the safety of the food, but my hunger won out, and I sampled the chewy bread, stew, and peculiar fruits and vegetables.

As I ate, I reminded myself again not to grow too complacent. This wasn't some luxurious spa retreat. I was still very much a prisoner. This place, even with its soothing bath and hot food, was just as much of a cage as the cargo vehicle I was thrown into when I first arrived on this unknown planet. I needed to keep my wits about me if I ever hoped to escape.

"Time for hair," an attendant declared, and I suddenly found myself the center of attention as three of them descended upon me, each grabbing a section of my hair.

"Wait, do you even know how to handle my hair?" I inquired, as they began to condition, comb, and braid it.

"Calmness," one of them insisted again.

I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. To my surprise, the oils and butters they used smelled divine and felt surprisingly good on my head. The gentle tugging and twisting of their fingers was almost hypnotic, lulling me into a sense of calm.

"Is this some sort of elaborate beauty ritual for a reason?" I asked, trying to remain guarded despite the pampering. The attendants merely shrugged and shared a smile with me, leaving me to wonder what might be in store for me next.

I pushed away the tendrils of relaxation that threatened to cloud my mind. Everywhere I turned there seemed to be another small comfort tempting me to let my guard down.

The aroma of the protein stew wafted through the air, enticing me to take another bite. I savored the rich flavors on my taste buds. As I continued to eat, I glanced around at the other women in the room, all of whom seemed engrossed in their own meals and conversations. My eyes lingered on Vessa, who returned to make her rounds, stopping to chat with various females.

Vessa the Viper. The name seemed a bit too on the nose for someone with such obvious serpentine features, but she appeared unbothered by it. She came over to me again, her movements fluid with a feminine, athletic grace.

"Enjoying your meal?" she asked, her voice smooth as silk.

I nodded, my spoon hovering mid-air. "I’ve never tasted fruit like this."

"I wanted to let you know that I have a match coming up later today. It's going to be quite the show."

I had no desire to watch people hit each other. Then I considered her offer. It would be wise to establish a friendly connection with another female who was familiar with the place and who could speak my language. "Sure. I'll come watch."

"Excellent. It's always nice to have a new face in the crowd."

Another attendant came forward with what looked like a long piece of silky ivory fabric. “Up.” She motioned for me to get out of the tub. “Time to get dressed.”

As Vessa stepped aside for the attendants to help me towel off, I found my thoughts drifting back to Aurik. We weren't friends, but there was something more between us – an undeniable connection. The memory of his kiss burned in my mind, igniting a fire that spread through my entire body.

Or maybe it was all the medicated spray they doused me with when I came in. Who knows?

I lifted my arms to get into the dress they had for me. And yet, even as I refocused my attention, I wondered what Aurik's role would be in all of this. As a bounty hunter, was he still trying to nab his target? Would he really protect me, as he'd promised? The guards obeyed Korga’s orders, but I noticed they only treaded so far with Aurik. He might be a captive, yet they respected his strength. They were careful not to get on his bad side.

"It fits.”

I realized Vessa commented on my new outfit. The ivory dress draped me like a luxury silk robe, skimming my curves and cinching at the smallest part of my waist. Near invisible seams around the chest provided support without a need for a bra. I did a little jump to test it out. Barely a jiggle. Hello, intergalactic tailoring. Could we get this on my planet soon?

Vessa gave me a perplexed look. “The toilets are around the corner if you need to relieve yourself.”