Sonya was deep in thought. “What about location trackers? Is that why no one can find the building complex or the ship?”
Raze shrugged. “Could be. I don’t mind taking Gornoc apart to find out.”
"Then it's settled," I declared, appreciating input from my mate and my comrade in arms. “We go back to the ship. Raze, you’ll pretend to follow Korga’s orders by bringing us on board. Once we’re in, we’ll get rid of the cameras and take advantage of the guards being spread out.”
“Just one more thing.” Sonya stopped us from marching out. “I don’t want to be anywhere near that holding pen once you guys open it.”
“You won’t. We need you to activate the ship's locator to show our position to any authority within range. We have to get Gornoc to hand that over to us first."
“You make it sound hard.” Raze smacked his fist into his palm. “Take out cameras, get Gornoc’s arm, start a riot. Easy.”
"Welcome to the team, Raze." Sonya’s chuckle was soft. "But if this is a double-cross, just know that I used to work at a resort.” She feigned a glare, scrunching her small nose while her eyes lit up with mischief. “I know fifty ways to hurt a person with a towel."
I hid my laugh as I saw Raze’s tail go limp on the ground. "Can we save the pain for Korga, yeah?"
"Agreed," I said, ready to go raise hell and yet also wanting to protect Sonya with every fiber of my being. But she was participating in this, too. It wasn’t possible for her to sit pretty in a mineral bath and wait for it to be over. She already showed she was too independent for that to happen. She shook things up, maybe even more than I thought I was capable of.
That was one of the countless things I liked about her.
I approached the cavern entrance again, my steps purposeful. “Let's take these bastards.” I hungered for this moment, to finally put an end to the era of Korga who made sport of our lives.
Chapter Fourteen
I still couldn’t believe I was going to be part of leading a revolt. If we succeeded, maybe I could convince the Wanderstar Fleet to bump me up to their military pay grade instead of the hostess gig I applied for. Those had to be considered transferable skills.
I hid my humor behind a smirk as I slipped from the cavern with Aurik and our new ally Raze. The humor was what kept my anxiety from skyrocketing. At this point, all I wanted to do was be on the other side of this captive life I lived over the past weeks. To be someplace calm and stable, laughing with friends and eating nice dinners.
And riding Aurik’s big blue cock all night. Yes, give me the soft-girl hard-cock-riding life. But first, I had to survive a space riot.
I ran to keep up with the two big alien males, I gripped my dress to keep from tripping over it and leaving this planet as a human pincushion for Thermakon crystal shards.
We kept moving in the darkness. Urgency propelled us forward. Once we arrived at Korga’s ship, Raze played the role of captor. He got behind us and had us walk forward. High on nerves and adrenaline, I was almost tempted to smile for the surveillance camera outside the ship, but that would’ve given all our plans away.
The door I originally ran out of hours before was still open. The dark corridor unfolded before us, punctuated only by the sporadic flickers of failing lights. I listened as the air hummed with the distant cheers and clashes, vibrations from the battles outside. Another wild and criminal addition to Korga’s ring had begun.
I looked to Aurik beside me. He saw my gaze and reached out to give my fingers a quick, reassuring squeeze. “Stick to the plan,” he whispered.
"Here they come," Raze warned us from behind.
Four guards approached, their stances unsuspecting. They were here to escort us. I remained fixed in my position as I felt an energy emanate from both Aurik and Raze: pure male power, ready to strike.
Then, with the precision of a choreographed move, Aurik and Raze blazed forward.
The room was too dim, but I turned away, anyway. I heard the now familiar sounds of scuffling, words uttered, the soft thwack of flesh as it met a fist or a kick. When I looked again, the guards were unconscious on the floor.
Aurik stood over them. He gave a thumbs up to Raze.
Raze scaled the wall with an athlete’s agility, disabling cameras with swift jabs of his fingers. Meanwhile, Aurik retrieved a tranquilizer from one of the guards. He pressed it heavy, cold weight in my palm.
"It only has a couple vials left," he told me. “Don’t waste them.”
"I wonder if this could be a transferable skill.”
Aurik gave me a perplexed look before giving up. “Gornoc’s in the surveillance room.”
“How do you figure?”