Vessa turned toward Korga, beaming as she raised her arms in victory. "For the glory and loyalty to Korga!"
An uneasy feeling chewed its way into my gut. What game was Vessa playing? Why was she now focused on Sonya and me?
I couldn't believe Vessa. How could she pledge her loyalty to Korga so easily? She met my eyes, grinning in triumph and gesturing for me to join her in celebrating her victory. I looked away, feeling both the pit of disappointment and the burn of anger.
Korga jabbed a thumb at me and then towards a rickety table set up with beverages.
"Time for a drink," I muttered as I walked out of the ring, eager to put some distance between myself and Vessa. My referee duties were over, and now it was time to play bartender for Korga's VIP guests. I grabbed an ale jug and began pouring drinks, trying to focus on the task at hand rather than dwell on Vessa's betrayal.
But it wasn’t betrayal if Aurik and I never told her about our intent to free everyone and get out of here. I shook my head at myself for assuming she’d be on board. She was one of the top fighters, and Korga put her in charge of the rest of us female noncombatants.
"Your performance as a ref was decent." Korga handed me his two cents as I refilled his ale. "Be more neutral next time. Everyone could tell you wanted that pointy-eared blue barbarian to win." He searched for a reaction from me.
I kept my face deadpan. "I'm glad Aurik and Gornoc kept the audience entertained."
His attention shifted, his gaze following Vessa as she strutted to the female fighters' side. "She kept the crowds engaged."
"By being neutral, huh?" I let my sarcasm slip.
Korga squinted at me, a warning lurking behind his eyes. "I suggest you learn from her so you don't get on my bad side."
"Understood." My voice was flat.
“Good. Now go and find water for the males.”
I grabbed a water jug, eager to make my way to the male fighters' den. As I slipped across to the other section, I spotted Aurik in the back row, his muscular frame glistening with sweat.
I approached him, careful not to draw attention to myself. "I can't stay long." I handed him the water. "Korga thinks I was too obvious about wanting you to win."
Aurik took a drink, hovering the jug above his mouth and letting the water fall. "It's obvious that you like me."
Heat crawled up my neck. Could I really keep denying the attraction? We did kiss in front of everyone today. During the time when we were alone in his quarters, way more things went on than one kiss. "Sometimes, I guess." I had fun seeing how he’d play along to my understatement.
"You called me Cuddle Punch." He leaned closer.
"Well, since you put it that way." Shaking off the momentary fun, I leaned in as well to whisper. "I can't believe Vessa."
Aurik's expression sobered. "She’s been working her way up the ranks for months. People survive the way they know how."
I resigned myself to accepting this fact about her. "That means we're down an ally."
Aurik took another sip of water. "A number of fighters oppose Korga, but it's harder to find those who'll risk defying him."
The roar of the crowd signaled another match beginning, and I tensed. "I better leave before someone needs a refill." Just as I turned to go, Aurik caught my arm, drawing me in for an embrace. The stakes and flapping fabric of the canopy hid us from view.
“Don't let your guard down.” Aurik murmured against my ear. "You’re new, and more eyes are on you."
I was acutely aware of the heat radiating from his body. "I'm sure your little victory kiss didn't help."
A sober, intense look crossed his face. "Korga knows I claimed you."
"That's good for show, but personally, I'm not into the whole claiming thing. Independent woman and all."
Aurik's gaze never wavered. "No male here will touch you. We have the makings of a bond.” With that, he released me, leaving me to navigate the waters of Korga's patchwork domain.
“You are so intense sometimes. We have to talk about your declarations soon.” I put my hands on my hips. “I know you heard me.”