"What do you suppose we do about it? Korga and the guards are everywhere."
"More of us than them.”
Lyro wiped sweat from his face. “Keep talking.”
I feigned a kick to look like I was still practicing. “We pick a time when the guards and their resources are scattered. Then we take out the chain of command and get a locator online for the rest of the cosmos to find us."
Lyro met my gaze with steely determination. "I like the plan.”
“Can you keep it to yourself?”
“I'll keep my mouth shut in order to get out, if that’s what you mean. When you get the specifics down, count me in."
I nodded, a grin spreading across my face. With that, we resumed our sparring, each strike bringing us one step closer to the freedom we craved.
We trained throughout the day, taking breaks for water and light meals. Korga didn’t want any of us fighters to get lethargic during practice. I missed the belly-warming rich wine and fried Yronian steaks on my home planet. Even if I got out this fighting ring today, I still couldn’t go back there and face my brother.
The metallic clang of the gong signaled the end of our sparring practice. Sweat poured from me as I went to the communal shower and took a quick douse under the unsatisfying lukewarm water. After changing into clean clothes, I joined the other fighters in filing into the hall for dinner.
As we entered, my eyes immediately sought out Sonya. I discovered her standing behind the counter, helping serve meals. That strong possessive urge swelled within me. Sonya was my mate. Seeing her like this only fueled my determination to get my plan into action.
I stepped forward to receive my meal. She sensed my gaze, her beautiful eyes meeting mine with a mix of warmth and caution.
Suddenly, another gladiator reached for Sonya's hair, tugging as she protested. "Get off me," she yelled, her nails digging into his flesh.
In an instant, I leaped over the table, spilling cups and soup bowls onto the floor. My fist connected with the gladiator's face, the satisfying crunch of bones breaking under my knuckles. The hand that touched Sonya was now a mangled mess. "Don't you ever touch her again." I growled.
A chaotic brawl erupted in the mess hall as the others joined the fray, their pent-up frustrations unleashed. Guards rushed in, weapons drawn, howling to restore order. In the chaos, I caught sight of Sonya, who had plastered herself against the wall for safety.
"Quiet." The captain of the guards shouted, his voice booming through the commotion. The room fell silent as everyone stopped in their tracks. "Sonya, Aurik. You will be brought to Korga for punishment."
As we were led away, Sonya flashed me a nervous half-smile. "It's nice to know I don't have to throw my own punches anymore when a guy pulls my hair."
My heart raced at the sound of her voice, but I knew our troubles were far from over. I may have made things worse, but I meant what I said. No other male would lay a hand on Sonya and not suffer.
The guards led us into Korga’s chamber. The air was thick and stale. Korga rubbed his massive tusks as he listened to the guards recount what happened in the dining hall. The tension in the room was palpable. My muscles tensed in anticipation of our punishment.
"I’ve heard enough," Korga interrupted a guard, his voice gravelly from years of barking orders. "I have no patience for minor squabbles among my fighters." He paused, considering us with a cold, calculating gaze. "You will both leave and go on the road for the next six weeks. You’ll help me entertain my distant clients."
Sonya and I exchanged glances. I saw the fear in her eyes.
"Vessa and Raze will accompany you," Korga continued, his voice unfaltering. "You will leave with me in two days. Now get out of my sight."
As we turned to go, I reached out to touch Sonya's arm, a move meant to offer reassurance. Almost as quickly as I touched her, a guard shoved me away and we were separated once again. My own anger bubbled beneath the surface, directed at myself for losing control earlier and possibly subjecting Sonya to even harsher conditions outside of this environment.
Struggling to find a bright side, I considered while the conditions may be unknown, there would likely be fewer restraints on us outside the fighting ring's main headquarters. We might land in more populated places. Our chances for escape could increase.
The downside, of course, was that we needed to find a way to help the fighters and captives left behind. But I was prepared to work with those odds. "Ready for a change of scenery?" I asked her as we were marched away from Korga's chamber.
"Better than staring at these same walls every day," she replied, a glimmer of defiance shining in her eyes. That spark, that unyielding spirit, only served to strengthen my resolve.
Chapter Seven
The morning after Aurik and I were given our verdict and sentencing from Korga, I approached Vessa during her downtime. She was in the laundry area, taking time to polish the metal accents of her gladiator costume. Each swipe of the cloth against the steel made a metallic scraping sound that reminded me of sharpening knives. The noise and her rough, abrupt motions sent a shiver down my arms.
I put my small bin of dirty clothes on a bench. I hesitated to get her attention. She looked so focused on her task. "Korga told me I'm going to help take the fighting ring on the road."