Page 27 of Pining for You

“You don’t,” Finn responded. “You get down from a duck!”

“Hey, Chloe, what’s the best thing to do for a blue spruce?” Chip again.

“I don’t know,” she said, rolling her eyes. “What?”

“Tell it a joke to cheer it up,” Finn responded.

“Hey, Chloe,” Chip called. “Why are river birches so good with money?”

“I don’t know, why?” the entire crew yelled in response.

“Because they grow in banks!”

Chloe laughed as Finn high-fived Chip at their bench while I placed the rest of the cleaned and sharpened tools into place.

“Hey, Chip,” John said, standing in his doorway, his arms folded. “Why is it so difficult to run a tree care company?”

No one responded. I sighed and bit the bullet. “Why is it so difficult to run a tree care company, John?”

“Because every employee acts like the damned branch manager. Finish up, guys. I’m not paying you to be comedians. Chloe, Molly needs some information from you.”

I’d been debating asking Chloe if I could buy her dinner tonight, even offer to pick up some takeout and bring it her place, but with John’s warning about possible sexual harassment, my dating plans had come to a screeching halt. Trying not to take too lingering of a look at Chloe who was talking to Molly, I caught her eye, gave her a salute so she’d know I was leaving, and walked to my truck.

I jammed the key into the ignition and sat swearing at John, or maybe myself, for possibly sabotaging my chances with the one woman who had really sparked my interest in years.

Someone tapped on the driver’s side window, making me jump.

Chloe stood on the other side, her head tilted. “Everything all right?” she asked once I rolled down the window.

“I’m fine.” I held up my hand. Luckily it was my thumb, not my middle finger I’d caught. “See, not even a bruise.”

“Okay, but you’ve been sitting here for at least ten minutes, staring at the steering wheel.”

Shit. Had I?

I scrubbed my hands over my face. I didn't want to tell her. I didn't want her to break up with me over John knowing what was going on between us, but I didn't want to lie either. “I’m tired, that’s all.”

She tilted her head again as if she knew I was lying. “What did John call you in for?”

“Usual stuff, what’s coming up, how the chipper’s been working.” It had some issues on Blair’s watch yesterday I’d heard, so I’d taken it out today but not had any problems. It wasn’t a lie; we had discussed it. Earlier. “Oh, and by the way, John said he heard good things about you from yesterday’s clients.”

“Cool.” She hesitated, then said, “I want to go home and shower and stuff, but would you like to come over in like an hour? Maybe we could order in a pizza or something?”

“Um, I’d love to, but…” I slammed my head against the headrest and came clean. “John’s figured out that we’re dating. I’ve been warned to keep my distance because we’re coworkers now.”

She blinked. “Is it a company policy that coworkers aren’t supposed to date? I don’t remember seeing that in all the paperwork I signed.”

“No, it’s not a company policy. John’s worried that if things go south between us, you might sue the company for sexual harassment.”

She frowned. “I get that, but…isn’t it different if I ask you instead of the other way around?”

“I don’t know.” I heaved another sigh. “John’s putting you on Blair’s team next week. Don’t take it personally, okay?”

“I wouldn’t. Molly told me they were switching the teams around because Nash has been pissing everyone else off and they figure you’ll straighten him out. She didn’t say anything about us dating…or not dating.”

“We’ll figure something out.” I was not about to let this woman go, even if it meant leaving PRP and starting my own company or applying to one of the places in Peterborough. I could handle the commute. Besides, Peterborough had more office opportunities for Chloe if she wanted to tag along. While I'd prefer to stick with John, he might be selling to someone besides me, anyway, and if he sold to that other company instead of me, we'd all have to go to Peterborough or find other employment anyway. I sincerely doubted they'd take us on when they mostly had told John they wanted the equipment.

“You can still come out to my place,” Chloe said. “What John doesn’t know won’t hurt him, especially since it’s on our own time and we’re now on different teams.”