"Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos—-"

No, no, no.

Prayers worked, yes, always. But prayers were no excuse to do something ill-advised. I opened my mouth to beg her to not make any noise—-

"Sanctificado sea tu—-AAAAAAAAAH!"

But I was too late, and all I could do was grit my teeth as my soul wept and grieved.

They got her, oh God.

They got her!

And then I heard it.


Even when I couldn't see anything, I knew that was the sound of her neck breaking, and now all I could hear was some creature slurping her blood like her body was nothing but a vessel to drink from.

And sooner or later, all of us would be like her—-


The word roared to the forefront of my mind, and I had to swallow back a sob as I came to understand just how much the world had changed in one horrifying blink.

Things that could only happen in fiction were now a part of my reality.

And I had no idea why or how it started.

All I knew was that if I wanted to survive—-

I needed to remember I was prey.

(prey, prey, prey, prey, prey)

The word seemed to have taken on a life of its own, but its incessant taunting inside my brain was gradually being drowned out by the gruesome sound of blood being guzzled all around me.

It was as if I had found myself suddenly transported to some stupid chug fest, only...what they were gulping down here was blood—-

(human blood)

—-and it was coming from living, breathing sources that screamed.

Oh God, how they screamed and screamed, and I could feel myself growing numb as the creatures drank and drank and drank. Fear was slowly losing its grip on my heart, and it was all because my own world was fast turning bleak and dire.

It would be my turn soon, wouldn't it?

I should stop fighting the inevitable, shouldn't I?

There was no way out, no way to survive—-


The doors of the basement flew open, and screeches of outrage ripped through the air as artificial light shot through the room...and the few of us who were still alive were forced to witness the sickening amount of carnage that a horde of blood-drinking creatures had been able to wreak in a mere matter of minutes.

Evil was real, and this was what it looked like. This was what it smelled like. And as bile rose to my throat, that was when I heard what evil sounded like.
