Strigoi are no less of an abomination deserving of Hell’s protection. Any mixture of fae or supernatural bloodlines results in power that can’t be checked or controlled. Pureblood fae don’t like that, which is why Lucifer created this realm to keep us safe from their overwhelming numbers.
We might be stronger than the purebloods, but there are just more of them than there are of us.
We’re supposed to be united in our focus under Lucifer’s ultimate leadership. This is an unauthorized event. The King of our realm doesn’t know about this little gathering, and the only Hell Fae who could get away with this sort of thing is Maliki.
He happens to be Azazel’s half brother, and Azazel is one of Lucifer’s bonded mates.
Talk about having a Get Out of Hell Free card.
I know Maliki isn’t the one behind all this. He’s being used as a tool by one of the Gods; of that I’m sure. I don’t know which one, and I don’t need to know.
Strigoi stay out of Gods’ games.
“Aren’t you two adorable, already holding hands,” Maliki says with a wry grin as he ventures within earshot. He runs his fingers through his dark hair, swiping it away from his uniquely gold eyes.
Cage doesn’t drop my hand like I think he might. Instead, his claws scratch against my skin as he sizes up Maliki. “Call me adorable again and I’ll hold your cock with this,” he threatens as he flexes his clawed hand. The lengthy black talons extending from each finger might as well be blades. The tunnel is illuminated by magical orbs, providing a low, flickering light that makes Cage look particularly dangerous.
Maliki’s grin widens. “I see why you like him, Sabre. He’s hilarious.”
“And serious,” I add with a raised brow. “I wouldn’t test him if I were you.”
My old friend chuckles but clearly isn’t threatened. As he probably shouldn’t be, given that even Cage is no match for a Hell Fae like Maliki. He might rough him up and eat a couple of his favorite dreams, but in the end, Cage would lose without the element of surprise on his side.
Maliki is a mystery, which is precisely why I was drawn to him in the first place. He’s one that I never solved, but that’s fine by me. He’s proven to be a good friend over the years.
But tonight, he’s truly outdone himself.
“It’s almost ready,” he says, peering back at the dark void that seems to be breathing like a sleeping creature trapped in a cave. “It’s only going to be open for a couple of hours, so keep that in mind, or else you’ll be trapped there.”
I frown. “A couple of hours?” That didn’t sound like the reprieve I was promised. “I thought you said the portal would be open for at least the entire night?”
Maliki shrugs. “Lucifer is going to notice the second I open the portal. He’ll find it and shut it down, and he usually works fast. In all reality, it’ll likely only be open for an hour or two and then never be used again.” Maliki glances up, his bright eyes glinting with nightmares that I’d find a tasty meal if I noticed them within anyone else. “The Rot you told me about provides the perfect coverage, though. It’ll take him some time to locate it between kingdoms. He won’t expect the Netherworld Fae and Morpheus Fae to have common territory like this.”
Maliki has clearly thought this out, but I don’t ask why. Someone must be putting him up to it. I just hope his promised reward is worth the Hell Fae King’s inevitable wrath.
“That sounds like a very big risk for opening a portal for an hour or two,” Cage observes. His glowing red eyes flick to the groupings of Ghouls, Baku, and Corpse Fae. It’s not common to see all those types of Nightmare Fae and Hell Fae working together, but they’re surrounding the portal, eagerly waiting for it to open.
They’re salviating for brides and willing to risk Lucifer’s wrath. The Ghouls especially are hungry and starving, needing mates to survive. They’re tired of waiting, and I don’t blame them.
But I agree with Cage. It’s not enough time to accomplish much of a hunt. At least, not the kind of hunt that a Strigoi requires.
When I feed, I take my time.
Maliki only grins. “In this case, it’s worth the risk.”
“Do you intend to find yourself a mate, Maliki?” I ask honestly. It would explain why he’s going through so much trouble.
“No,” he answers. His eyes darken with ancient nightmares that pique my curiosity. “My time will come, Gods willing. But I need to stay on this side of the portal and keep it open.” He jerks his chin toward the void. “Now join the others and slip in, blend with the crowd. You won’t be noticed.”
“Because everyone has pussy on their mind,” Cage says, his fangs glinting with amusement. “I’m going to need a little more than a few hours, though, if we’re going to play.” He gives me a predatory look, one that says if we hunt, it’ll be done right. He’s no less of a Strigoi than I am.
“It’s up to you,” Maliki says as his fingertips turn black. The air turns cold as he dips into his Corpse Fae magic, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. “But if you choose to stay beyond the portal’s closure, you won’t be able to return. Not unless the Gods bless you with a means to do so.”
I doubt we’ll run into any Gods, even in another dimension, but stranger things have happened.
“Let’s go,” I urge Cain and drag him toward the portal that has started to swirl.
Regardless, I intend to feed. I need my strength for the inevitable fight for when I return.