Page 31 of Their Blood Queen

“I’ll find a way to escape our families,” he says instead, forcing me back to him. “Maybe you did manifest that sound, maybe not. But at the very least, we can leave.”

Now he’s speaking my language.

Leaving sounds attractive, even if it’s impossible.

There’s nowhere to go.

“I’m sick of watching you wither into darkness, my prince,” Cage continues as he presses his forehead to mine. He’s using the title reverently now, putting me above him in our ever-changing hierarchy. “I vow to you, this won’t be our lives—miserable and on separate sides.” His punishing grip squeezes harder. “This won’t be our nightmare. We will make a dream of our own—just stay with me a little bit longer.”


That sounds impossible, almost like a dream. But it’s more realistic than finding a mate.

Despite my skepticism, I reply, “Find it, Cage. Find a world no one knows about, and if you do, I promise you, we’ll leave.”

I’ll abandon my withering throne.

I’ll leave this damned kingdom to fight over the bloodied scraps that remain.

I’m done.

And whether or not that scream was real, I know one thing for certain.

It’ll forever haunt my dreams.



“Scream again. I liked it,” the creature in the shadows says.

My entire body is trembling and my teeth chatter—because I’m freezing. My nipples bead and scrape painfully against the gauzy nightdress that had felt supple and soft a moment before.

I take a few steps backward as I attempt to put distance between me and the creature that has appeared in my room. The backs of my legs hit the mattress, and I fall onto it.

That’s when I detect a splash of white on my left. I glance at it, then my eyes widen when I see myself asleep in my chair. My notebook teeters dangerously from my fingertips but doesn’t fall. The leather strap seems to be hooked on my thumb.

A throb I hadn’t noticed before settles on the same digit, and I rub it, realizing that I’m actually asleep.

Is this… a dream?

Because I’ve never had a dream like this. Not one where I feel like I’ve floated right outside of my body.

A rumbling growl steals my attention as the blood drains from my face. I glance back at the creature who is still there.

Except now he’s stalking toward me.

“Sssscarlett,” he says, slithering out the S in my name as if he can taste it.

Another scream builds and sticks in my throat as he reveals more of his form to me. I shouldn’t be looking between his legs, but there’s a massive cock dripping with liquid silver.

I feel the insane urge to lick it.

What’s wrong with me?

“Mmm, you’re pleased by what you see?” the beast asks, making me flick my gaze up to him again.

My nightmares are never like this. I usually feel like I’m drowning, like a thousand horrible memories are dragging me down into the darkness until I can’t breathe.