Who the fuck is that?
Her prayer tastes… delicious.
I lick my lips as my jaw aches, long canines poking through when my beast chooses to feed on a little blood with his dreams.
Before I can rein him in, the new worshipper continues as if completely unaware of the danger she’s put herself in.
Because my beast wants her.
Not just to feast… but to fuck.
“If I do this, I’m going to do it for my mother. I don’t want her to die. But please, please make it worth it.”
“Cain?” Helia says with a sharp note of worry in her voice, but I’m not looking at her reflection anymore.
My vision has fluctuated as my beast’s form crawls over my skin, making me grow in size.
I’m slipping into the Dream Realm. I’m powerless against the siren call that draws my beast like a moth to a flame.
There’s a mirror in the room where she’s praying, and my essence settles into it.
I can’t see her, not yet. I’m fighting the frenzy threatening to descend on my beast if she continues to pray.
“Watch over me and protect me,” she says, making my monstrous cock go rock-hard.
Fuck yes.
My beast consumes this part of her prayer, but more slowly than before, finally savoring the incredible taste of sun-kissed peaches mixed in wine.
With enough prayers to strengthen my beast, bolstered by her willing trust for me to protect her, a blurry view of the room she’s occupying comes through. The clarity reveals two dark figures and a female bathed in red.
Is she on fire?
No, that’s the color of her hair and her dress.
Beautiful, I think as she continues praying, allowing me to see the detail of her delicate frame and pushed-up breasts.
She’s a Lady of one of the Elite families, but I’ve definitely never seen her before.
Because she’s never prayed to me.
Not a believer? I wonder with amusement.
I like her already.
But I’m intrigued by what has her desperate enough to call for me. She mentioned something about her mother, but what is it she’s going to do?
“I’m going to need all the help I can get…” she continues.
Each word intended for my ears gives my beast more power to work with. Prayers are similar to dreams, and I’ve never tasted a dream as satisfying as this.
I’m in an almost drug-like state, content to listen to her speak until she finishes her sentence.
“… if I’m going to be Earl Rinhold’s bride.”