Justice stood and fired his silencer, sending a bullet into the fucker’s head. A hole appeared in the middle of the man’s forehead.
Gibson’s surprised expression turned blank and he fell forward, half on and half off one of the queen beds.
Justice would have liked to confront the fucker and let him know why he was at death’s door, but this time, he didn’t have that luxury.
Tucking away his weapon, he picked up the shell casing and walked toward the body.
Azrael stood from the shadows and kicked Gibson off the bed. The dead body toppled over and landed on the floor.
Leaning over the guy, Azrael gazed at the blood pouring from Gibson’s head.
“Rot in hell, you sick fuck,” the boy whispered to the dead predator.
“Come on,” Justice murmured and pulled at Azrael’s arm to get him moving.
“That was a nice shot.”
“It was point blank so no biggie. Does Dave know you’re here?” He frowned.
“He’s not my dad.”
“So what? You going rogue?”
“I could.” That fearless chin tipped up and Justice found himself actually liking the kid.
“You’re too young.”
“I’m eighteen and I’ve probably killed more people than you could dream of.”
At the kid’s flat tone of voice, Justice heard the bitterness and a hollow-sounding void that was a bit concerning.
“You’re good kid, I’ll give you that. I didn’t even know you were in the damned room.”
“That’s the way I was trained. If I was seen, I was punished. I didn’t like getting punished.”
Having seen the cages where Azrael had been kept, Justice clenched his jaw. He had heard of how Echo suspected that Solomon had molested the boy. Azrael wasn’t talking about his life with anyone, so all that remained was a fucked-up mystery, but it wasn’t hard to guess.
Had Solomon molested Fisher? The thought sent his stomach roiling.
“Let’s go,” Justice croaked, stalking to the door.
“Where to?”
“My car first and then we’ll figure it out.” He shot a quick glance out the door and found the area clear. He drew Azrael out of the room and they made it to his car several minutes later.
“Where’s your brother?” Justice asked, remembering that Azrael had a twin.
“College, can you believe that shit?”
“Yeah, I can.”
Justice tucked the boy into his car and slid behind the wheel. He flipped on the overhead light and studied Azrael in the dim light.
“How did you sign into the Erebus website?”
The boy’s eyes darted away, lips pressed flat, and again that chin tipped up. Justice knew for a fact that Solomon’s login had been deleted by now, so he figured Azrael had probably stolen someone else’s access.
“Whose account login did you steal?”